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892 total results
I am a 73 yr old female. I had a meningioma tumor removed from my brain...
NO way will I be able to withstand electric ... shock to find which nerves and muscles ... I cannot put my
socks on without using
Sorry for the short reply. Nooro NMES sounds too good to be true. They sell two...
They use electric shock like tens, but
I have had Long Covid for 3yrs & experience sensations kind of like the after shocks...
sensations kind of like the after shocks ... of a minor electric shock through my
in reply to @brandysparks Yes, my art helps me in so many ways, and recently I...
firing up this saw 24/7, or using my electric ... friend, I am telling your appearance is shocking ... #34;that is HER issue." She is shocked
May I ask what "eye scare" you had? My ophthalmologist says I have "interesting eyes" but...
during that time I started having "electrical ... shocks" around and behind my left ... couldn't do anything about the electrical ... shocks and said it wasn't a problem