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233 total results
Sorry just saw your previous comments? My headache is cervicogenic but it follows the occipital path....
is cervicogenic but it follows the occipital ... I diagnosed myself with Occipital Neuralgia ... but had 2 occipital nerve blocks that
Occipital nerve block works well for me. I have occipital neuralgia, the shots last me about...
Occipital nerve block works well for ... I have occipital neuralgia, the shots
Discussion: Migraine
Support Group: Chronic Pain
Posted: Oct 30, 2022
I've had the ON for a little over a year now... before it was Trigeminal Neuralgia...
year now... before it was Trigeminal Neuralgia ... ( which comes and goes) but the Occipital ... Neuralgia is always present.
Support Group: Brain & Nervous System
Posted: Nov 12, 2022