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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
1,446 total results
So sorry, Lori. I just guess I was lucky I took the date of 1/27 for...
lucky I took the date of 1/27 for my spinal ... cord stimulator.
How long have you used a spinal cord stimulator.? I my do. Is yours a tens...
How long have you used a spinal cord ... stimulator.?
I was an only child plus have been divorced since 1979 so am familiar and comfortable...
My big frustration is I had the spinal ... cord stimulator placed end of January
@laurask SSSSAP - that's a mouthful. I have idiopathic small fiber polyneuropathy that started with tingling...
had become unbearable, so I had a spinal ... cord stimulator implant in June of ... After that, I have had to have the stimulator
Good to hear it, but mine is not a spinal cord stimulator, just a Stim Wave...
Good to hear it, but mine is not a spinal ... cord stimulator, just a Stim Wave intervention