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158 total results
This was the place my blood was sent to have genetic testing done and where it...
it was determined I have late onset CMT1B ... conditions that cause the same symptoms as CMT
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Feb 9 4:46pm
I have a family history of PN going back at least four generations. They said it...
Canada diagnosed my oldest brother with CMT ... looked at 83 genes known to cause CMT ... detection if the SMN1 coding gene and CMT
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Aug 24, 2020
Same here. I was on Gabapentin 600mg 3X per day for 4 months. Never worked. Currently...
She ordered one for CMT and HSN. ... Hospital about three (3) years ago for CMT ... 80 known gene mutations that cause CMT
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jul 17, 2020