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695 total results
Very productive visit. I once asked my rheumatologist if the prednisone goal was 'no' pain or...
or 'tolerable' pain. ... He said "no pain". ... exceptions to the rule' apply in pmr ... If I had known my pmr journey was going ... level.
Welcome @wilmingtonemperor, You are not alone. Nobody wants to take prednisone but it is the defining...
it is the defining drug that if the pain ... methods used to diagnose that you have PMR ... I've had two occurrences of PMR. ... rheumatologist had me keep a daily log with my level ... of pain when I woke up along with my
Support Group: Autoimmune Diseases
Posted: Sep 2, 2023
My first dose of Actemra was January 1st, 2019. I started with injections every 2 weeks....
adrenal insufficiency can also cause pain ... that mimics PMR. ... stay on 3 mg when my a.m. cortisol level ... for about 6 months until my cortisol level ... my endocrinologist said my cortisol level
@southtexas I have forgotten to take other meds but never the prednisone when my PMR was...
meds but never the prednisone when my PMR ... dose and you weren't in a lot of pain ... How is your pain level after you forgot
Posted: Aug 29, 2023