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7,529 total results
I had a 4 cm lesion on my prostate, with cancer also in my seminal vesicals,...
I had a 4 cm lesion on my prostate, ... with cancer also in my seminal vesicals ... was to hit everything hard while the cancer
I don't have the privlage to live in Phoenix or Rochester and Mayo Jacksonville does not...
does not offer proton radiation for prostrate ... cancer or any other cancer as well. ... cancer cells can't repaid themselves ... markers, bladder, rectum, prostrate ... I did not have an enlarged prostrate
I was diagnosed 7 weeks ago, had the Biopsy, both sides, maybe at the margin, Gleason...
that when they start cutting, the prostate ... basketball here for an ex. when they cut, cancer ... a year or longer to make sure the cancer
Support Group: Prostate Cancer
Posted: Jul 4, 2023