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7,534 total results
Hi Michael, Thanks for your post and inquiry. As you know, the PC journey is a...
have PC, Testosterone will feed the cancer ... performed. 100% of the detectable cancer ... was confined to my Prostate. ... Sure, I would prefer to keep my Prostate ... free, (undetectable cancer) that they
According. To Dr Eugene Kwon of Mayo and the Prostrate Cancer ResearchInstitute a Pet Scan will...
To Dr Eugene Kwon of Mayo and the Prostrate ... Cancer ResearchInstitute a Pet Scan ... will show cancers that are not reflected
Excellent comments from bjroc and ozelli. From my experience in 2021 into 2022, I'd like to...
like to ask if you have any sign that cancer ... has escaped the prostate? ... guide any sense of urgency to have the prostate
drj, Don't apologize for grumping. I call it getting something off your chest. It helps to...
Everyones' prostrate will react ... are designed to stop the growth of cancer ... This hormone feeds the cancer cells. ... the hormone treatments causes the cancer ... HOWEVER the normal prostrate cells can
Biochemical Recurrence (BCR) after prostatectomy is not uncommon and often defined as PSA greater than .2...
Absent imaging identification of cancer ... elsewhere, belief is that cancer cells ... remain in and around prostate bed and