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7,578 total results
Can endorse that as also being the case with my experience of Lupron and Enzalutimide. That...
docetexal) and 20 rounds of radio to Prostate ... also recommend anyone who has had a cancer ... exercise and chronic illness including cancer ... living or getting treatment for this cancer
I have a close friend who has suspicious small hard lump on top of his prostate...
suspicious small hard lump on top of his prostate ... As a cancer survivor I am trying to ... tell him that even if diagnosed as cancer ... I am a lung cancer survivor who went ... suspicion the stuff in lungs was probably cancer
Hi @korgman123, That's great news that the prostrate cancer remains undectable after 2-1/2 years. I yearn...
korgman123, That's great news that the prostrate ... cancer remains undectable after 2-1
Had PSMA pet scan after MRI and bone scan. No cancer indicated outside prostate confirming previous...
No cancer indicated outside prostate
I don’t want to confuse the topic but…………maybe in the future they will. They now have...
now have a PET than can only pick up prostrate ... cancer. ... could come up with this in breast cancer