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2,272 total results
It sounds like you have been through the mill, you might want to try acupuncture and...
that no one really knows what causes pain ... none and with the current attack on opioids ... I try not to show my pain, but when ... the sciatic pain hits I can not hide ... couple years of the last 40+ years of pain
The thing that takes away the pain the most and helps with the fatigue is an...
The thing that takes away the pain the ... being somewhere I can move without pain ... I hate is the way the fatigue from pain ... including the cuts in prescribing opioids ... Why don't docs understand that pain
I have had chronic pain for over 40 years and use strong medicine to fight it....
I have had chronic pain for over 40 ... that there are groups trying to ban opioids
I've had bilateral upper extremity RSD since 1998. I started a long treatment of Gabapentin, followed...
dose of Lyrica (200mg 3xday) with no opioids ... I'm not pain free, but it is manageable
Thank you Alyce...I much appreciate your comments. I am very aware of the things you mention...I...
two things that help erase arthritic pain ... ...steroids injections and pain killers ... In terms of pain killers, many doctors ... are hesitant to prescribe opioid medicine ... killer drugs because of our pain.