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7,628 total results
P.S. Cstrutt52, would you mind sharing your age and Gleason score? (And staging number, if you...
Also, 2 of 16 biopsy samples were cancerous ... All indications are that none of the cancer ... has escaped my prostate.
Mike , thanks for asking . Before my surgery I had a bone scan and MRI...
MRI and a CT scan specific to the prostate ... I asked to be put on a cancellation ... They removed the prostate , and did ... Zero Cancer cells found . 3+4 Gleason ... They also mentioned zero cancer cells
Support Group: Prostate Cancer
Posted: Dec 16, 2023
Good morning. Sorry you got the diagnosis but, as you can see, you have a lot...
MRI suggested it was confined to the prostate ... (surgery) immediately removes the cancer ... Increased risk of other cancer is a
Support Group: Prostate Cancer
Posted: Dec 11, 2023
Did you discuss the radiation option with your medical team? In my case, since the cancer...
In my case, since the cancer had already ... I had radiation treatment to my prostate ... My PSA was 67 when the cancer was discovered
Support Group: Prostate Cancer
Posted: Dec 10, 2023