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7,628 total results
Yes, the PSMA PET scan is the most sensitive of the previously developed scans under normal...
of 0.4 ng/mL, PET scans will miss prostate ... cancers about 50% of the time. ... > Up to 15% of prostate cancers may
Has anyone had Focal Therapy for Prostrate Cancer?
Has anyone had Focal Therapy for Prostrate ... Cancer?
URGENT I am on Zolodex every 12 weeks to reduce testosterone the fertilizer of pc When...
testosterone the fertilizer of pc
When cancer ... 223 or Xofigio which targets only cancer ... bones and kills them and only the cancer ... covered by healthcare I am 79 Had prostate ... still clinical trials but its for cancer
I had PSA persistence (0.93 6 weeks post op) after surgery probably because I was diagnosed...
and no evidence of disease in the prostate ... I started Orgovyx which froze the cancer ... The treatment fields included the prostate
Oskar, Late 2016: I had gleason 7 with 2A C hopefully contained. Researched Proton Beam but...
Definitely worth getting rid of cancer ... presented a slow growth of cells in prostate ... Until they find a way to eliminate Cancer