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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
1,446 total results
Hi Gary, I was diagnosed with pancreatic divisum in 2012 and it was so bad I...
also had celiac plexus blocks, and a spinal ... cord stimulator that was part of a
I have commented elsewhere about pudendal nerve entrapment. Search for the term and there are a...
Also search “Spinal Cord Stimulator”
You can have a trial of the spinal cord stimulator. Simple process. It’s done in the...
You can have a trial of the spinal cord ... stimulator. ... Temporary electrode is placed along the spinal ... cord, and temp leads come out and are ... connected to a temporary stimulator
Unfortunately I being a Veteran get most of my care from the VA. Their treatment consist...
got to be something better then a spinal ... cord stimulator as yes it may help ... day your nerves completely die the stimulator
So after my spinal cord surgery to remove a cyst off my nerve endings in my...
So after my spinal cord surgery to remove ... The neurologist is wanting to use a spinal ... cord stimulator as a added tool for ... I am concerned that the stimulator would ... stimulator and if so what are your