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7,696 total results
@bens1 Thanks for your response and your good thoughts. Regarding the progress of my disease, I...
adenocarcinoma in multiple areas of the prostate ... know that biopsies sometimes miss the cancer ... mistakes sometimes, and that maybe the cancer ... minimizing the chance of a 2nd cancer
Thank you for sharing, this is helpful. Could you please share what Grade was your prostrate...
you please share what Grade was your prostrate ... cancer and if you had surgery to remove ... Also, was the kidney cancer found via ... The cases of concurrent cancer that ... one time surgery of removal of the prostrate
We all have to decide what is best for us and the quality of life we...
I was 76 when I got diagnosed with prostrate ... cancer and did not hesitate to have ... PSMA will show areas outside your prostrate ... think should be standard with any prostrate ... Decipher which is help diagnose your cancer