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7,701 total results
I cannot give you medical advice but since your MRI only hinted at one PiRad4 -...
hinted at one PiRad4 - which could be cancerous ... of putting some of your infected prostate
Discussion: Biopsy or not?
Support Group: Prostate Cancer
Posted: Feb 4 12:16pm
No exact answer, you hit the main possibilities the Cancer may be worse, or the earlier...
you hit the main possibilities the Cancer ... earlier samples missed some of the cancer ... after surgery they found 4+3 in my prostate ... who had gone from 3+4 to 9 in the prostate ... If your cancer is confined to the prostate
@survivor5280 I went to UFHPTI (University of Florida Health Proton Therapy Institute) for my proton radiation...
Institute) for my proton radiation prostate ... only photon but are building a new cancer ... adults and chances from secondary cancers
Besides knowing living with the on / off pain of a full bladder. Just stay your...
dr in the morning to see if anyone canceled ... In the end it helped my prostate not
Support Group: Men's Health
Posted: Feb 11 8:38pm