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2,315 total results
Beka, I've have/had Crohns / Ulcerative Colitis for decades. It all started when I went to...
There is also another disease called Sjogrens ... mouth, which is the main symptom of Sjogrens
Support Group: Autoimmune Diseases
Posted: Oct 18, 2020
Welcome to all the new members. Several of you have mentioned that you have Sjogren's Syndrome....
of you have mentioned that you have Sjogren ... particular, to join this discussion: - Sjogren ... /
Discussion: Dry mouth remedies
Support Group: Autoimmune Diseases
Posted: Oct 7, 2020
I have had Sjogren's for over 40 years. My dentist told me to use all the...
I have had Sjogren's for over 40 ... Because with Sjogren's you often ... Many people with Sjogren's suffer
Discussion: Dry mouth remedies
Support Group: Autoimmune Diseases
Posted: Oct 5, 2020