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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
894 total results
I have had excellent care over the last 21 Yrs but everything has been tried except...
leg flew up when I felt a severe electric ... shock shoot down my Rt hip, leg and ... It shocked me a little in the left heel
@gcranor Hello, I am a fellow spine surgery patient and my spine issues were cervical having...
if I flexed my neck, I sent a big electric ... shock down my entire body.
@ralphysmom I was a spine surgery patient at Mayo Rochester with Dr. Jeremy Fogelson for spinal...
bent my neck forward, it sent a big electric ... shock down my entire body. ... across the bone spurs and causing the shock
Hello everyone, The first time I felt symptoms were May of 2021. I started feeling extremely...
pause followed by a heavy pound and an electric ... shock in center of chest)
Oh my...I thought I was alone in not being able to sleep through the night..but so...
.oy....I use heated up rice filled socks ... of back well as a small electric ... go round...I don't like using electric ... blankets or electric heating pads. ... all that safe to be constantly using electricity