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651 total results
Ablation procedure went as expected, first night TOUGH, more burning in butt than pain (?) but...
dose naltrexone. ... need the oxy now, and you can’t take low ... Since it’s low dose, could take several ... weeks or months to become effective. ( low ... dose is 1.5-4.5 mg; high dose for people
I still run on the beach 4 or 5 miles a day. It helps with pain...
I asked my Pain Doctor about low-dose ... naltrexone for Neuropathy - he is looking
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jan 4, 2020
Hi, dlydailyhope: My spine problems sound very much like yours: stenosis plus ddd plus herniated disc...
gabapentin and am currently trying low ... dose naltrexone for the pain, which ... So far, the naltrexone is doing diddly
Posted: Jul 16 5:33pm