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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
894 total results
I have a herniated disc L4/L5 and a very large sacral Tarlov Cyst. I get the...
I get the electrical shocks in that ... I also get the electrical shocks, not
Hello Amy, My name is Shauna. I’m 2016 I had my first big electric shock lasting...
I’m 2016 I had my first big electric ... shock lasting about 5 seconds from ... next 2 years, more and more horrible shocks
Maria Jean I feel sorry for your experience as an abused person but glad that you...
pursued every treatment including 30 electro ... shocks, but after nothing worked she
@dgcosentino831 I understand now. As a radiologist, you would know how to read your images, and...
down over the bone spurs, I sent an electric ... shock down my entire body.
I have some of the shock symptoms but no rash.if a get a cut on my...
I have some of the shock symptoms but ... nail on my hand into the quick the shocks ... laughing at you they should receive a electric ... shock in the ass with your boot.