Welcome to the Genetic Heart Rhythm Diseases page. The Mayo Clinic Windland Smith Rice Genetic Heart Rhythm Clinic, with the Windland Smith Rice Sudden Death Genomics Laboratory in Rochester, MN, is dedicated to diagnosing, treating, and researching all types of genetic heart rhythm diseases that can cause sudden death. Follow the Genetic Heart Rhythm Diseases page and stay up-to-date as we post stories, clinical trials, and useful information regarding your genetic heart rhythm condition.

Appt FAQ Header

We understand that making the decision to come to Mayo Clinic can be stressful, especially if you have just been diagnosed with a genetic heart rhythm disorder. Whether you are ten minutes away, or half way around the world, we are dedicated to making this decision as easy as possible.

Below are a few common questions that you might have:

Q: Do I need a referral?

A: Mayo Clinic does not require a doctor's referral, but your insurance company might. It's always a good idea to check with your insurance company about coverage requirements.

Q: How long should I plan to be in Rochester, Minnesota for my appointment in the Genetic Heart Rhythm Clinic?

A: Generally, our evaluations take two to three days. The first day normally consists of testing. The second day may include a few more tests, followed by your consultation with the genetic cardiologist and his or her team.

Q: What tests are involved?

A: Usually, testing involves a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) on both day 1 and day 2, a bicycle or treadmill


stress test, an echocardiogram (Echo), and a 24-hour Holter monitor. Don't be surprised if you get the 24-hour Holter monitor placed after your consultation--this can be mailed back to us.StressTest

Q: Do I need to bring anything to these appointments?

A: Athletic clothes and tennis shoes are important to remember for your stress test as you will be either running on a treadmill or cycling while ECG technicians monitor your heart. A shirt that opens easily in front would be helpful for your electrocardiogram (ECG), but is not required.

Q: What do I need to bring with me to my consultation?

A: We encourage you to bring any records related to the medical concern you want addressed. Generally, plan to provide:

  • Have your Patient Portal account set up
  • A list of current medications and dosages
  • Copies of any medical record information from providers outside of Mayo Clinic
  • Previous stress tests and ECGs
  • Any relevant information (names, ages, dates, etc.) about family members who have had symptoms, a cardiac arrest, and/or sudden cardiac death
  • Any genetic testing results you have from you or family members

Q: What is a Patient Portal and how do I set one up?

A: Your Patient Portal, also known as your Patient Online Services account, provides you with easy access to important health care information. With a Patient Portal, you can request appointments, view your appointment schedule, send messages to your health care team, look over test results and medical records, review your bill, and much more.

You can create your account online or through the Mayo Clinic app. A brochure detailing instructions on how to set up your Patient Portal can be found here. Once you have set up your Patient Online Services account, you can find more information on how to use it here.

Note: Any information regarding a minor child 12 years of age or younger will be connected to their parent or guardian's Patient Online Services account. For minors ages 13-17, a separate account is required. Minor accounts can only be set up in person on a Mayo Clinic campus. Parents and guardians can request access to a minors account if they have legal authority for health care decisions for that person. See the Using Patient Online Services brochure for further instructions.

If you have any questions regarding your Patient Online Services or the Mayo Clinic App, please call 1.877.858.0398 (toll free) Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Central Time.

Q: How do I contact Mayo Clinic's Genetic Heart Rhythm Clinic?

A: To schedule an appointment, you can call Erleen Hartleip at 507-284-0101 and she or one of her associates will provide you with information about appointment times, locations, lodging and a map of Mayo Clinic.

Q: Where can I find more information about Mayo clinic and Rochester, Minnesota?

A: A great resource is Mayo Clinic's Patient & Visitor Guide. Here, you can find information about planning a trip, questions about insurance, and billing and financial support. For those patients and families coming from outside the United States, Mayo Clinic's International Services is available to help you.
