C. Difficile Care at Mayo Clinic

Jan 11, 2019 | Kanaaz Pereira, Connect Moderator | @kanaazpereira | Comments (2)

Each year in the United States, about a half million people get sick from C. difficile, and in recent years, C. difficile infections have become more frequent, severe and difficult to treat. Mayo Clinic specializes in treating people with difficult cases of C. difficile who haven't responded to standard medical treatments or who have developed complications such as an inflamed colon. Mayo Clinic also has C. difficile clinics at its Rochester, Minnesota, Scottsdale, Arizona and Jacksonville, Florida campuses.

From Mayo Clinic News Network:

“C. diff is a bacterial infection that causes symptoms ranging from diarrhea to life-threatening inflammation of the colon,” says Darrell Pardi, M.D., a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic.

“While C. diff traditionally affected older adults in hospitals or long-term care facilities, studies show increasing rates of C. diff infection among younger and healthy individuals without a history of antibiotic use or exposure to health care facilities.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control, C. diff infections in the U.S. increased by 8 percent between 2015 and 2016

Dr. Pardi says physicians may suspect C. diff in anyone with sustained diarrhea who has taken antibiotics within the past two months or when diarrhea develops a few days after hospitalization. In these cases, he says physicians typically order a stool test to check for C. diff bacteria or the toxin produced by the bacteria. Sometimes, an imaging exam such as an abdominal X-ray or a CT scan is done, to check for complications such as thickening of the colon wall, expansion of the bowel or a perforation in the lining of the colon.

If physicians diagnose C. diff, Dr. Pardi says the first step is for patients to stop taking the antibiotic that triggered the infection.  He says depending on the severity the infection, physicians may recommend treatments including another antibiotic to keep C. diff from growing. Rarely, surgery is performed for patients with sepsis, organ failure, or inflammation of the lining of the abdominal wall.

Dr. Pardi says that up to 20 percent of people initially treated for C. diff may experience a recurrence either because the initial infection never went away or because they are reinfected with a different strain of the bacteria. This risk increases up to 60 percent with more than 2 episodes. He says patients with two or more recurrences, are considered high risk and, treatment may include:

  • Prolonged courses of antibiotics
  • A fecal microbiota transplant that restores healthy intestinal bacteria by placing another healthy person's (donor) stool in your colon, using a scope or tube. Research has shown fecal microbiota transplant for C. diff has a success rate higher than 90 percent.
  • An intravenous infusion of an antibody called bezlotoxumabmay be helpful in certain situations.

Dr. Pardi and other Mayo Clinic experts are available to discuss C. diff symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.

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I was diagnosed with C Diff from taking Clindamycin that my oral surgeon prescribed. I am current on a 14 day of Vacomycin 125mg. A couple of questions. Should I be taking Florastor with Vancomycin? Or is there another probotic I should be using or should there be a probotic that I should use when I am finished with the vancomycin?


Can anyone get C.diff infection after only 5 days of antibiotic use ?
another question: can C.diff cause symptoms of gas, cramps and only mild and intermittent diarrhea?

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