Clinical Trials and IBD

Jun 19, 2014 | Kanaaz Pereira, Connect Moderator | @kanaazpereira

Have you ever thought about joining a clinical trial? Many patients have benefited from participating in clinical trials. Edward Loftus Jr., M. D., discusses the pros and cons of entering a clinical trial for new drugs for patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

What are the pros?

  • Might get access to a drug years before it becomes commercially available.
  • Watched by medical providers more carefully. Patients in clinical trials tend to do better regardless if they are on the controlled drug or placebo.
  • The study tests and procedures are usually paid for by the sponsor of the trial.
  • Many trials are very patient friendly.

What are the cons?

  • People don't like feeling like a guinea pig.
  • Logistics of the study center.

For more information on IBD, visit

Dr. Loftus is a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic.

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