344 total results
I have three different rounds of radiation treatment: March 2015 SRT 39 IMRT 70.3 Gya July...
Dr. Rossi at California Proton stayed that complications are higher with proton SBRT. We do not...
Warmth in back? Not hot flashes...I had those, after Lupron shot
I was treated with IMRT from Oct-Dec 2019 for prostate cancer contained within----no spread. Had one Lupron shot (to last 6 months---tho I am aware...
Anybody get treated in Portland, Oregon?
I live in Portland, Oregon. I have a urologist I really like, and in keeping with Dr. Scholz's YouTube videos, I'm leaning toward radiation rather...
Should I try using TRIMIX while on ADT?
ATTN MODERATOR: I’m aware that there is another post here related to TRIMIX. I’ve gone through it and could not find an answer that applies...
Treatment Decision - Radical Prostatectomy versus Radiation Therapy
Recently diagnosed and now stuck in that frustrating "no man's land" between surgery and radiation therapy. Diagnosed after an increase in my PSA to 5.2...
RT + 3 years ADT + 2 years Zytiga initial treatment?
Is anyone here being treated for non-metastatic disease with 3 years ADT + 2 years abiraterone (e.g. Zytiga) as a first Hormone treatment? I'd be...
Onward with durable remission
I add bits of pieces of my story to various posts, but I'm organizing my story and figured this would be a good opportunity to...