1,335 total results
Are you now waiting to see if HRT or stopping Lupron starts your naturally occuring testosterone...
Testosterone gets a bad rap with prostate cancer treatment. It does not cause cancer but will...
As long as your doctor says a PSA test is medically necessary, Medicare and secondary insurance...
Let's get it started: My journey with SBRT (radiation)
Start saying your goodbyes cancer.Testosterone...see you in June.SBRT starts next week Thursday.Stay Strong Brothers
Prostate cancer-related abbreviations: What acronym would you add?
There are so many acronyms related to prostate cancer. When newly diagnosed these can be overwhelming and frustrating. As you become more familiar with the...
ADT with EBRT and Brachytherapy
Apologies for perhaps asking a redundant question. There are some recent studies that claim that a dose of ADT, when selecting EBRT and a Brachytherapy...
Prostate cancer treated with Leuprolide
I had 43 days of prostate cancer radiation about 5-6 years ago. My PSA becgan to rise in summer of 2014. Suddenly it went from...