597 total results
Discussions (65)
Husband's prostate cancer story
My 64 yr old husband was having urination frequency and enlarged prostrate. Visited the urologist for at least two years. His PSA was around 4,...
TAV after post surgery PSA test
My Urologist-Surgeon has ordered a PSA test to be completed 2 months after a robot assisted radical prostatectomy. I am currently 18 days post surgery....
Prostate cancer: What treatments did you choose? Results?
Hello all,I’m 73 and healthy with no conditions but Recently I have had PSA of 5.8 and then a biopsy that resulted in T2a grade...
Where to draw the line between active surveillance, removal, radiation
Where do you draw the line between active surveillance and removal or radiation? Gleason 3+3, 4 cores positive out of 12 in biopsy. No more...
Advice on pursuing second opinion/treatment at UCSF.
Hello all. I have a few threads started since being diagnosed a few months ago (PSA 9, Gleason 7, Stage 2, no signs of spread...