1,337 total results
What is it like after Whipple surgery plus 1 1/2 years?
Hello to everyone! I have not posted on this site for some time, but realize there are continually those folks who are facing pancreatic cancer,...
Celebrating Life after Pancreatic Cancer!
Today is May 9. Five years ago, on May 9, 2014, I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Two days after my diagnosis, my wife and...
Benign or Malignant IPMN? What to do next?
Hey all and as per my name I am Mario. I hope you "well" and safe.. Why somebody from the UK be at these forums?...
IPMN 2 cm mass head of pancreas caught EARLY.......
Greetings! I'm new to this group and so far have been reading so much before feeling it was time to share. I did comment on...
Immune system after Folfirinox: What precautions are necessary?
My husband was told he needed to stay away from family and gatherings for 6 mo after tx . What is Mayo’s protocol ?
Abort chemo Rx & go straight to surgery while I am still Stage 1?
I was very fortunate in how my stage one pancreatic cancer was diagnosed. In August 2023, I had an unrelated intestinal surgery and three weeks...