Support Groups

Esophageal Cancer Support Group

Public Support Group
760 total results
Discussions (70)
Non-surgical EC patient with stricture/stenosis of esophagus
Hi all, my sister (38 years old, non smoker, living in Germany) got diagnosed 9 months ago with Stage4 EC in the upper part of...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Jun 7 2:11pm
Anyone know of exercises or therapies to improve swallowing?
My wife is 4 months from the radiation and chemo treatments for esophageal cancer. The tumor has reduced and she’s able to swallow very soft...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: May 25, 2023
Any Experience with Stage IVA Esophageal Cancer
Hello - My name is Terry. I am here on behalf of my father to understand everything I can about his diagnosis and treatments he...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Sep 29, 2023
Esophageal cancer treatment: Anyone have good experiences to share?
Hello troops. Does anyone have any good news about their treatments? All I've been reading are horror stories. Not very encouraging at all. I'm on...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Jun 21 5:00pm
Esophageal Cancer: Anyone else?
I’ve completed 15 chemo treatments and 1/25 proton radiation treatments for my stage 2 esophageal cancer. I’m jst looking for helpful advice from anyone going...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Oct 17, 2023
Anyone on Paclitaxel? Does it work better?
Dad (69) had been to different doctors complaining of pain when swallowing (diagnosed with dysphagia and given Omeprazole) for about a year before he was...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Jun 17 1:37pm
Esophagectomy Surgery No Longer an Option -We Are Lost- Help
My husband has gone through 5 weeks of chemo and radiation for stage 3 Esophageal cancer. He has had a J tube. He's had a...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Jul 4, 2023
Frequent diarrhea after treatment for stage 2 esophageal cancer
My husband completed treatment for esophageal cancer (surgery, then chemotherapy and radiation) a couple months ago. He is still having frequent bouts of diarrhea after...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Apr 20 11:18am
5 months after esophagectomy. Hard to get enough calories. Frustrated
Esopagectomy was 3/29/23. Needed no chemo/radiation. Swallowing is good. Hard to consume 2400 calories because my stomach seems upset all the time. Been doing all...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Sep 1, 2023
Esophageal Cancer after Bariatric Surgery
Has anyone developed Esophageal/Stomach Cancer and had Surgery, after they had a Ruex-n-Y gastric bypass... I had the gastric bypass 13 years ago, and now...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Jun 8, 2023
What is the criteria for getting esophagectomy?
There are many responses about "not a candidate for surgery". What is the general criteria to be a candidate for an esophagectomy? Husband has stage...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Dec 14, 2023
What is the timing for surgery (esophagectomy) after chemoradiation?
I am concerned with a delay for surgery after my treatment with chemoradiation. What are the standard wait times before surgery. Is it 8 weeks,...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Aug 22, 2023
What are the best snacks for Esophageal Cancer during chemo?
Hello everyone. I just joined this group yesterday on behalf of my husband. Stage 3 esophagus cancer. 5 rounds of chemo and 28 sessions of...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Apr 10 8:35am
After Esphogeal surgery my husband is not urinating
2 weeks ago my husband has an esphogeal tumor removed. He went through chemo and radiation before the surgery. After surgery he had a catheter...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Apr 5 11:05am
Has anyone gotten relief from esophageal cancer cough? Help.
My 77 year old husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer last March. Since then he has gone through a regimen of 5 day per week...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Sep 3, 2023
my esophageal cancer recovery detour
in the last 3 days my esophagus has been extremely sore and enflamed from the 28 radiation treatments, last rad 7 days ago...i am now...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Feb 6, 2023
Esophagus cancer with other health issues
I have stage 1 esophagus cancer. Not sure what treatment I will be having chemo, radiation, immunotherapy or resectioning. I have other health issues (diabetes,...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Aug 18, 2023
When will I know the treatment was successful?
When will I know the treatment was successful. At that time I could not swallow whole food. I was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Jun 3 9:49am
What was your experience immediately following RT/chemo?
My husband Jeff completed 6 weeks of RT/chemo on Friday. He was told the first few weeks could be the most difficult of all and...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Jun 17 5:54pm
Setback in my diagnosis: Stage 2 changed to stage 3
yesterday i received news that my pet scan shows a small nodule in my lung and a suv3 gastrohepatic lymph instead of stage 2...
Support Group: Esophageal Cancer
Last active: Jan 30, 2023