Past Events
3,154 results
Live Q&A - Runners: Lower Extremity Injuries and How To Prevent Them
Join us Tuesday, January 17 at 2 p.m. CT on Facebook Live with Dr. Dusty Marie Narducci, Sports Medicine Fellow, to discuss lower extremity injuries...Video Q&A about Runners: Lower Extremity Injuries and How to Prevent Them
Hear Dr. Dusty Marie Narducci, Sports Medicine Fellow, discuss lower extremity injuries in runners, including pathology, treatment, and prevention of each condition. Conditions discussed include: iliotibial...Facebook Live: New Year’s Resolution Challenge: Cultivate Mindfulness
January 11, 2017 New Year’s Resolution Challenge: Cultivate Mindfulness Join us Friday, January 13 at 2:30 p.m. CT on Facebook Live with Maria Caselli, Yoga Instructor, to discuss how you...New Year’s Resolution Challenge: Cultivate Mindfulness
New Year’s Resolution Challenge: Cultivate Mindfulness Maria Caselli, Yoga Instructor at Mayo Clinic Arizona discussed how you can live life to the fullest and enjoy a...#AsktheMayoMom about Maternal Fetal Medicine Surgery
Dr. Angela Mattke and Dr. Rodrigo Ruano discuss maternal fetal medicine surgery during an #AsktheMayoMom Facebook Live session on January 5.#AsktheMayoMom about Maternal Fetal Medicine Surgery
Subject: Maternal fetal medicine surgery with Dr. Rodrigo Ruano Where: Facebook Live and Mayo Clinic Connect When: January 5 at 10 a.m. Preguntas y Respuestas: Mieloma Múltiple
El jueves 22 de diciembre estuvo en vivo el Dr. Rafael Fonseca, Hematólogo de @ClinicaMayo hablando sobre el mieloma múltiple. Aprenda más sobre: Causas Síntomas Diagnóstico...
Join us Monday, December 19 at 5:15 p.m. CT on Facebook Live with Dr. Curtiss Cook, Dr. Bernard Bendok, and Dr. Alyx Porter to discuss pituitary gland...Video Q&A about Pituitary Tumors
In this Video Q&A Dr. Curtiss Cook, Dr. Bernard Bendok, and Dr. Alyx Porter discuss pituitary gland tumors. Learn more about: Normal function of pituitary gland Types of pituitary...#AsktheMayoMom about Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery
Dr. Angela Mattke and Dr. Nick Wetjen, pediatric neurologist, discuss pediatric epilepsy surgery in #AsktheMayoMom about Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery. Learn more about: Intractable epilepsy Surgical...#AsktheMayoMom about Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery
Subject: Pediatric epilepsy surgery Where: Facebook Live and Mayo Clinic Connect When: December 15 at 10 a.m. CT. Q&A about Diabetes: Cause, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment
Dr. Bithika Thompson and Marilyn Bailey, R.N. discuss diabetes. Learn more about: causes and symptoms prevention management and treatment The speakers answered questions following the event.Diabetes: Cause, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment
Join us Tuesday, December 6 at 9:30 a.m. CT on Facebook Live with Dr. Bithika Thompson and Marilyn Bailey, R.N. to discuss diabetes. Learn more about: causes and symptoms prevention management and treatment The...Bone Fractures: Risk Factors, Prevention, and Treatment
Join us Tuesday, November 22 at 1:30 pm CT on Facebook Live with Dr. Michael Whitaker, Dr. Krupa Doshi and Patricia Mackey, to discuss bone fracture prevention. Learn...Video Q&A about Bone Fractures: Risk Factors, Prevention, and Treatment
Dr. Michael Whitaker, Dr. Krupa Doshi and Patricia Mackey give a presentation with a virtual discussion regarding the importance of bone fracture prevention. Learn more about:...Video Q&A about Discussion on Family History
Discover how important your family health history is; it's important to have a conversation about your family's health history. What you learn about your relatives...Live Discussion on Family History
Join us Friday, November 18 at 11 am ET on Facebook Live to discover how important your family health history is.It's important to have a conversation...#AsktheMayoMom about Pediatric Epilepsy
Dr. Angela Mattke and Dr. Elaine Wirrell talk about pediatric epilepsy during an #AsktheMayoMom session on November 17 at 1:30 pm CT. Learn more about:...#AsktheMayoMom about Pediatric Epilepsy
Dr. Angela Mattke and Dr. Elaine Wirrell talk about pediatric epilepsy during an #AsktheMayoMom session. Learn more about: Epilepsy Intractable epilepsy Surgical treatment of epilepsy...Video: Preguntas y Respuestas: Tour de Mayo Clinic en AZ
Acompáñenos hoy a las 6:00 pm (Central) aquí en nuestro Facebook en vivo con el Dr. Steven Ressler, Jefe de Medicina Consultiva en @ClinicaMayo de...