Webinar: National Press Foundation: "Precision Medicine 101"

Wed, May 20, 2015
3:30pm to 4:30pm ET


Dr Weinshilboum webinar with National Press Foundation: "Precision Medicine 101." Precision medicine will revolutionize the old one-size-fits-all health care system. Also called individualized or personalized medicine, it allows physicians to use knowledge about an individual’s personal genetic makeup to determine the best plan for disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Learn more about precision medicine in a free webinar hosted by NPF with Dr. Richard Weinshilboum of the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine.



If you have questions for Dr. Weinshilboum, ask them here or Tweet to #PrecisionMedicine


Are you familiar with Alpha Genomix lab test for drugs -- to determine if they're suited for a particular patient? Is this a worthwhile test? (It's covered by Medicare.) Why is it being marketed to independent pharmacies/physicians and not to large operations?


Do you see prevention possibilities in using genomics in the area of mental illness in the short term? What long-term possibilities can you imagine?

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