Try This: Using Your Spirituality for Well-Being

Try This: Using Your Spirituality for Well-Being

Wed, Jun 14, 2023
11:00am to 12:00pm CT


The Stephen and Barbara Slaggie Family Cancer Education Center is partnering with Mayo Clinic Chaplain Services to offer the Cancer and Spiritual Well-Being Webinar Series. These talks are led by Mayo Clinic Chaplains who will discuss ways to engage in spirituality while dealing with cancer. We will explore strategies for coping and reflect on what it means to experience grief, loss, resentment, forgiveness, hope, and healing. This content is appropriate for anyone regardless of individual beliefs or faith traditions.

This is part 5 of a 5-part series. Did you know that your own, unique spirituality holds important hints about how you can enhance your well-being? Hear some new ideas and experience several spiritual practices that will increase gratitude and mindfulness and help you to hold onto the good things in your life. This webinar is FREE and available to anyone. Register to join us LIVE or visit our Cancer Education Blog video library afterwards to view the recording.

How to Register:

  • Go to the Classes & Resources page on the Cancer Education Blog
  • Click on “Register for this webinar now”



Muy buenos días soy Ima Guirola, a mi primo hermano le han diagnosticado mielofibrosis. Estamos haciendo gestiones para aplicar a una cita en Clínica Mayo. Dios mediante mi primo hermano recibirá la atención médica que necesita. Nuestra Fe puesta en Dios que ilumina al personal médico y toca los corazones para el restablecimiento de su salud. Gracias infinitas. Ima

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