Survivorship Webinar Series 3: Tools for Wellness: Healthy Weight and Eating

Wed, Sep 7, 2022
1:00pm to 2:00pm CT


People with cancer are living longer due to improved care, screening, and newer treatments. The term “cancer survivor” identifies a community of people with a history of cancer, either at the time of diagnosis, during or after treatment. The effects of cancer do not end when treatment ends.

On Wednesday, September 7th, the Cancer Education Center provided another session of the free Survivorship Webinar Series to address the needs of cancer survivors.

Staff of the Stephen and Barbara Slaggie Family Cancer Education Center, located in Rochester, Minnesota, provided a nutrition-related cancer prevention strategies; an added bonus is these strategies may also reduce the risk of other chronic diseases.




Angie Murad
Angie Murad
Phone: 507-266-2991

My first time hopefully I dod eberything ok!


GREAT webinar! Thank you so much for responding to my question on the fly as well. Really appreciate it!


Thank you for the webinar. I like the systematic way in which it was organized.


I missed the webinar. Is there anyway I can view it.


I am also interested in viewing a video version online.


Thank you for the webinar. I like the systematic way in which it was organized.

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and @kilbaha Yes I am working on getting the link put on YouTube. I will post by early next week, at the latest. You can find the video here and also on our Cancer Education Video Library blog found here:

We have a collection of webinars that started about a year ago. Please check out more of our webinars. So glad you enjoyed it 🙂


I missed the webinar. Is there anyway I can view it.

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Yes I am working on getting the link put on YouTube. I will post by early next week, at the latest. You can find the video here and also on our Cancer Education Video Library blog found here:

Please check out more of our webinars, I hope you enjoy! Have a great weekend!


GREAT webinar! Thank you so much for responding to my question on the fly as well. Really appreciate it!

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I never did connect to webinar not sure what happened. I tried another opportunity but thanks foe responding


and @kilbaha Yes I am working on getting the link put on YouTube. I will post by early next week, at the latest. You can find the video here and also on our Cancer Education Video Library blog found here:

We have a collection of webinars that started about a year ago. Please check out more of our webinars. So glad you enjoyed it 🙂

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@beth123 The webinar is now posted 🙂

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