Prostate Cancer Support Group Meeting

Prostate Cancer Support Group Meeting

Wed, Jun 12, 2024
12:00pm to 1:30pm CT


The Prostate Cancer Support Group is an in-person and virtual group for Mayo Clinic patients and their caregivers. The group meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from noon to 1:30 pm CT.

Each month guest speakers from the Mayo Clinic oncology team provide education on specific topics related to prostate cancer. Following the presentation and Q & A time, members share information and experiences.

In-person space is limited, but all are welcome to participate via Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting


Online & In Person
Medical Sciences Mann Hall
300 3rd Ave SW
Rochester, MN 55902
View on Google Maps


Richard Vetter, Ph.D.
Richard Vetter, Ph.D.
Phone: (507) 281-3917

Vetter, Richard J., Ph.D.

PCa Support Group

Fri, Jun 7 at 2:34 PM

Dear Support Group,

What is the difference between adjuvant radiotherapy and salvage radiotherapy for treatment of prostate cancer? One is given when a patient has a high risk for a localized recurrence or advanced stage disease. The other is administered when there is a biochemical recurrence following prostatectomy. Which one is used more often? Come to hear radiation oncologist Brian Davis, MD, PhD, discuss them at noon, June 12 at Baldwin 1-507. The title of his talk is "Adjuvant/Salvage Radiation following Prostatectomy."

Those who can't attend the meeting can tune in via Zoom using the following link:

Zoom Link for all 2024 Meetings:
Hope to see you next Wednesday,



Hello is a growing Gleason 6, one that has in the past been deemed not to be a concern by a top doc:
-growing into a concern or,
-changing into a Gleason 7?
I’ve had 2 Hifus (one a laser), and sort of dreading a third.


I was diagnosed with prostate cancer couple months ago Gleason was stage 6 and stage 1 my Dr. Want to take a wait and see. The 3 week report came back very low but I think to have the 15 minute radiation treatments I don't know how many weeks it's the best way to go why wait until things get worse I think the 3 week report came back to let the Doctor know how much radiation to use if I'm not mistaken

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