Hematology/Oncology Patient Cancer Education Series-Lung Cancer Webinar

Hematology/Oncology Patient Cancer Education Series-Lung Cancer Webinar

Sat, Apr 30, 2022
8:30am to 1:00pm ET


This patient and caregiver event will cover topics related to lung cancer. It is free for everyone to attend. Attendees will be able to ask the expert speakers questions related to care, treatment options, finance and more.
Webinar Highlights

  • Empowers patients with educational tools to understand and live with a diagnosis of lung cancer.
  • Provides new and innovative information on the current and future treatment options for lung cancer.
  • Educates attendees on comprehensive health needs for cancer patients.
  • Provides an opportunity for patients and caregivers to interact with world renowned physicians and healthcare management teams in a safe and socially distant manner.

Register HERE

Lung Cancer Education Agenda 4-30-2022

Target Audience

This webinar is intended for patients and caregivers of lung cancer.




Angie Murad
Angie Murad
Email: murad.angela@mayo.edu
Phone: 507-266-2991

This was a very detailed webinar that I as a caregiver for my dear wife especially benefited from...lots of excellent exchange of information. Kudos to Mr and Mrs McDaniels for their brave discussion about Angela's journey and his participation as caregiver. Very brave of them and their story was very similar to ours...well done!
Thank you Mayo and all of the Team!

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