Heart/VAD Transplant Support Group Meeting

Heart/VAD Transplant Support Group Meeting

Tue, Nov 14, 2023
1:00pm to 2:00pm ET


This group meets every Tuesday from 1-2 pm Eastern (find your time zone) via Zoom.

Pre-registration required prior to group meeting.

Email Jennifer Kittenger for more information and to register: kittinger.jennifer@mayo.edu




Jennifer E. Kittinger, M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
Jennifer E. Kittinger, M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
Email: Kittinger.Jennifer@mayo.edu
Phone: 904-956-3269

Had Echo done have regurgitation in the Tricuspid valve and Pulmonic valve is this something to be concerned about it is mild to moderate and if it is what do they do for it?


Hi. From our experience they usually watch it if mild, not sure how ‘moderate’ your results are.

EF was going down, causing symptoms and heart was enlarging. SoHad aortic valve replaced. They saw sometimes in tricuspid but when they operated they felt it was ok.

If it’s mild they would watch. They’ll probably do an echo and Bloodwork every so often. If your EF heart results (they measure in echo) go down or you heart starts to enlarge they will suggest repair or replaced valve. Needs regular monitoring with a good cardiologist.
If you ultimately needed to do surgery they have much less invasive methods these days. You can research surgeons or ask your cardiologist if you want peace of mind.

Take care


Hi. From our experience they usually watch it if mild, not sure how ‘moderate’ your results are.

EF was going down, causing symptoms and heart was enlarging. SoHad aortic valve replaced. They saw sometimes in tricuspid but when they operated they felt it was ok.

If it’s mild they would watch. They’ll probably do an echo and Bloodwork every so often. If your EF heart results (they measure in echo) go down or you heart starts to enlarge they will suggest repair or replaced valve. Needs regular monitoring with a good cardiologist.
If you ultimately needed to do surgery they have much less invasive methods these days. You can research surgeons or ask your cardiologist if you want peace of mind.

Take care

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Hey, Jay! This info. and reassurance is super helpful. I have been having lots of symptoms of fatigue, low iron, dizziness, tingling in toes, just not feeling right. I just had an echocardiogram today and everything was normal except I have: mild tricuspid valve regurgitation. I just really don't feel right. I'm not sure how mild it really is and what can be done. But, I do hope this fatigue can go away. I also have mild fatty liver and am working on healing/reversing that as well. Do you have mild tricuspid valve regurgitation yourself? I'm wondering what could have caused this? I have lost 40 lbs in the last year, so that will help! I'm also eating really, really well (an anti-inflammatory diet.) What do you think about exercise? Should I just focus on walking for now? I use to work out at the gym 3 days a week. But, I get so fatigued now...I can do some...but a lot less weights. I'm also just still recovering from a hysterectomy on Sept. 20th. Ok, thanks so much for listening and offering any advice, support or info. I am most grateful! Blessings to you! Mia 😉


Hi Mia. Glad your on the mend. It takes time. I’m no doc but mild regurgitation should not cause fatigue. I’d have your doc run full panel of BLodwork. The low iron or Red blood cells could def cause fatigue. Maybe from hysterectomy?? It can take up to 3 months to build up your blood again??? Maybe you need iron supplement for a bit but def check with doc first cause you can overdo the iron. In the meantime I’d take it easy. Eat lots of iron rich foods?? Good luck.

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