Breast Cancer Support Group

Breast Cancer Support Group

Mon, Sep 25, 2023
7:00pm to 8:00pm CT


This breast cancer support group is open to individuals diagnosed with stage 0 – stage 3 breast cancer. The group meets via Zoom every Monday from 7:00 to 8:00 PM CT (find your time zone).  Mayo Clinic and non-Mayo Clinic patients are welcome.

This is a compassionate virtual space to connect with others who can relate to the physical and emotional impacts of breast cancer. The support group is community-based led by two breast cancer survivors who facilitate the meetings enhanced by their personal experiences. Regularly, providers from Mayo Clinic's Breast Cancer care team  join the group to offer support and share their breast cancer expertise.

To register and get the Zoom invite, contact: Lisa Halverson 507-254-4141




Lisa Halverson
Lisa Halverson
Phone: 507-254-4141

Good Morning
My name is Maura and I have breast cancer. Due to my age and family history I will be having a double mastectomy in November 2023.
I am wondering how all of the breast cancer survivors are doing today.
My thoughts and prayers are with all.


Good Morning
My name is Maura and I have breast cancer. Due to my age and family history I will be having a double mastectomy in November 2023.
I am wondering how all of the breast cancer survivors are doing today.
My thoughts and prayers are with all.

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Maura my thoughts and prayers are with you for your upcoming surgery. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma and Pagets of the nipple in March. I decided to have a bilateral mastectomy after having a lumpectomy because my pathology was not good. I’m glad I did, but probably one of the most emotional decisions I’ve made. I just had reconstruction two weeks ago. Hopefully my battle is coming to an end. Stay strong !! 🙏🏼💕


Dear Cindy
Many thanks I am happy you had the strength to make that decision as difficult and emotional heartache this brings to you !!
You kind words gives me courage to continue !!


Good Morning
My name is Maura and I have breast cancer. Due to my age and family history I will be having a double mastectomy in November 2023.
I am wondering how all of the breast cancer survivors are doing today.
My thoughts and prayers are with all.

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Good morning Maura
I’ve had breast cancer 3x. I had a double mastectomy in 2017. Chose not to do reconstruction flat is beautiful!!! Best of luck to you! You will do great!


Good Evening Motnisky
Many thanks for your thoughtful response!!
The surgery has been moved to October 18 ….
I am working on my courage to get on with this …it came at me very fast
Thank you I am hopeful !!


Good Morning
My name is Maura and I have breast cancer. Due to my age and family history I will be having a double mastectomy in November 2023.
I am wondering how all of the breast cancer survivors are doing today.
My thoughts and prayers are with all.

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I had a double mastectomy in January of this year. I didn’t have reconstruction. I am doing really well and was surprised that I wasn’t in much pain after the surgery. I was able to take a slow walk about 10 days after, as well. You will do fine. You may want to bring a pillow or something to place between your chest and the seatbelt for the ride home. I will say a prayer for you now.


Hi Serine
Many thanks for your message !
I am scheduled for October 18
Double mastectomy!!
I appreciate the info to gear up for
What is possible the pillow is great the ten days is really helpful!!
Cannot wait until this is over !!
Thank you for the prayers the support is the blessing which keeps me moving forward !!


I am a post double mastectomy survivor. I just wish my surgeon believed me when I told him I was not doing reconstruction. He left large pockets of fat under my arms that are horrible to cover when I want to wear sleeveless or tank tops… not to mention a bathing suit. How do I get rid of these without plastic surgery?


Hi Serine
Many thanks for your message !
I am scheduled for October 18
Double mastectomy!!
I appreciate the info to gear up for
What is possible the pillow is great the ten days is really helpful!!
Cannot wait until this is over !!
Thank you for the prayers the support is the blessing which keeps me moving forward !!

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I rented a lift recliner chair for my mastectomy post op and it was wonderful in helping me to get up with out putting extra stress on my body. I even slept in it for about two weeks. Highly recommend you get one.
Much love and prayers


Hi Cindy
Many thanks for the information
Lift Chair relief!
Thank you for the love and prayers
To carry me across the finish line!
Hope you are doing well
❤️🙏🏼 maura

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