Xeloda for colon cancer - Scared about side effects and need support
Hello, I was diagnosed with stage 3A colon cancer after surgery because 1 lymph node out of 35 came back with cancer. I am supposed to start Xeloda in a couple of weeks for 6 months, and worry about how I will function working from home, taking care of my two little dogs, and living with the side effects. I am all alone and very scared, and would appreciate knowing how others dealt with taking Xeloda and how they managed through the process. Thank you.
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I have also found that the older we get although I don’t consider myself old the more we talk about constipation diarrhea and bowel movements lol and it’s not just with people who have had cancer that I have this discussion it’s with friends and acquaintances I think there’s something wrong with this 😂 You would think that they’d be something more important going on in our lives however maybe not. Have a great evening
Ho ho. Yes it is funny how strangers from opposite sides of the world can find that discussing bowel movements, stool softeners and laxatives is something that can bring them closer together!
Just to let you know that when I started chemo it felt very good but as I continued it started not to feel good and I was told that it builds up and at the end it was not great at all but I live through it and sometimes I wonder how did I ever live through all of it but I did. I am going through some problems now which is why I went on the site to see if anybody else has the same things going on and it’s really funny ha ha that what we mostly talk about is our bowel movements lol but that’s what I’m having a problem with at the moment. So what can I say it’s a pain in the ass lol
Hope you stay well. Please keep in touch
Hello Philly318. Good to hear that you've made a good recovery from your treatment - sounds as if it was all worthwhile despite the problems encountered. It seems we are all experiencing a difficult path at times but a positive attitude is so important as you say. I'm half way through my second 3 week cycle of Oxaliplatin + Xeloda which has proved very tough compared to the first cycle but looking forward to a week's 'holiday' from this Thursday coming!
Leed2022 - how are you doing at present?
Best wishes.
I had rectal cancer eight years ago. Before I had the surgery.One oncologist gave me the Xeloda And radiation.To shrink the tumor.That put me in the hospital for two weeks very severe diarrhea. Couldn’t eat it was horrible. After that I went to Moffitt cancer center which is in Tampa Florida. It was the best decision. I could not tolerate Xeloda Or maybe it was the radiation but I didn’t do that again. I had to wait six weeks to heal before I had surgery I’m sure there are people who can tolerate that drug but my new oncologist wouldn’t give me that to do and I had a successful surgery. I can’t say there are no problems but I’ve dealt with all of them with a good attitude very important
Sorry to hear of your not dissimilar experience but it sounds as if things are improving. The pattern could well be a difficult first few days and then gradual improvement until a new cycle starts. Yes, keeping everything warm helps a great deal. I'm feeling better today and so I hope tomorrow continues this trend. Hope you're still able to get out with your dogs. Best wishes. Martin
Hello, I'm sorry you are having issues with the second cycle. I do hope things get better as you continue the process. I had a miserable several days during my second week, so the doctor recommended using a stool softener (as opposed to a laxative), and I added about 1/4 cup of prune juice (warmed). A neighbor who is a retired nurse told me how she dealt with patients in the hospital who had constipation, and the doctors used Colace gentle stool softener and a little warmed prune juice as I mentioned above. Just once a day, but it also takes a couple of days to get things moving. That did provide much needed relief. She also told me it is better to warm up your water and fluids before drinking because it helps warm up the colon. I've been doing that too. I started my week off as of today, and am so glad constipation problem has been resolved for the moment. I spoke with my oncology nurse this morning who said when I start the next cycle, I can take a stool softener daily to prevent the constipation, so I may do that after the first day and see how my system reacts. I just don't want to cause the opposite problem. I may check with the chemo nurse on this. Let me know how things are going as you continue this cycle, and I will let you know how I am doing when I start again next Monday. All the Best!
Checking in with you to see how you are doing on your treatment.
Hello. I hope you're still tolerating your treatment ok and that your back is better. I've updated my 'journey' elsewhere on the forum which details the difficult start to my second cycle. No constipation yet, and no sickness / nausea, but managing bowel movements seems to be the main issue for the first 3 days. Otherwise, tingly /cold hands again but I can live with that. Hopefully feel better tomorrow.
I'm glad to hear you're tolerating Xeloda quite well and I hope that continues, but sorry to hear about your sciatica at times. That must be very painful. I've suffered from a bad back for many years but it improved once I gave up playing tennis and real tennis (known as court tennis in the US, a wonderful game played indoors with walls surrounding a tennis court).
I had a very pleasant week off and have now just started my second cycle, sitting here as I write connected to a pipeline of Oxaliplatin for 2 hours! Looking forward to lunch and hopefully not a repeat of the constipation experienced last time! Take care. Martin