Will I ever fully get over anxiety?

Posted by mylightshines @mylightshines, Oct 24, 2023

I am scared that I will never recover from this anxiety condition. A lot of it was brought on by the passing of my parents. I'm still dealing with a lot of grief issues from that. It's started when my Mom had her stroke in January 2016. I wanted more than anything to give her back her mobility and sight. She was never really the same after that. I have literally missed a lot of things involving my children ever since. That is the biggest regret in all of this. Will I ever recover?

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Have you discussed your anxiety with your Dr? There are many ways to deal with anxiety including, but not exclusively medication, so reach out for help. I have been diagnosed with a neurological anxiety and depression disorder, so I have been dealing with this for years. The first place to start is seeking help. Yes, anxiety can also be crippling socially, effecting all your relationships, just as with your children, but there is help, just seek it. I understand, and I hope you get help now, without delay. ❤️


@mylightshines Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It sure doesn't take much for us to feel anxious, and when it is a big stressor, sometimes it feels like things may never get better. Perhaps this is how you are feeling right now?

As @pkh3381 mentioned, anxiety can be crippling. But, let me tell you that by reaching out as you have, you have taken the first step to feel better. Did you realize that? So, pat yourself on the back!

There are several pathways to explore getting some help. First, I would suggest you speak with your primary care doctor, and let them know how you are feeling. You will want to rule out any physical issues that might be a stumbling block for recovery. Gentle exercise, in moderation, can release "good" endorphins, and help you rest. Taking a walk in the fresh air can literally clear your mind and give you a new view of things. If you haven't tried journaling, perhaps that is an avenue to try. We have a discussion on that: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/journaling-the-write-stuff-for-you/
Don't discount turning to friends who have been there for you. They're probably still there! And you might want to look into therapy to get through all this.

Does any of this sound doable, or worth a try?


I appreciate the kind words and support. I really have tried everything there is to try. Currently my insurance company is trying to find a virtual OP Intensive program for me. I should know within a week. I have Medicare and Tricare For Life. I also am on a very low dose pain medication prescribed by a pain management doctor. I am also prescribed ADHD medication for two reasons, 1 being Neuropsychology confirmed ADHD and I have a very bad case of Chronic Fatique and Narcolepsy. I have pretty much given up driving unless it's within a mile or two of my house because I will fall asleep at a stop light and a few times while driving. I rarely even drive to the high school my children attend and I can see from my front door or to Walmart plaza which is less than 1 mile away. I've had my privacy violated by a psychiatrist to the point it cost me my long term disability claim and it was denied for over a year. They literally sent my individual therapy notes to the insurance company when they requested visit not. They fid not request these but used them against me until I took them to court. During an inpatient admission in 2016 I was sexually assaulted and the Physician Assistant did not believe me. He would not get me help, he just threatened to medicate me. I asked to checkout an was laughed at. I asked for an attorney and the right to call my family or leave my room was removed. I ended up just shutting my mouth and waiting until Monday morning (this all started Friday night) when I was allowed to sign myself out and have my husband pick me up. I was already suffering from grief where my mother had her stroke. I have never recovered from this. In regards to the assault, I reported it at my doctors office who sent me to a rape center. I later made a complaint with the state board that oversees the PA and the hospital. They literally found that they had done nothing wrong because my chart shows no documentation of me requesting an attorney. Why would he document something he is laughing at me about and has no intention of helping me? I refuse to go through an ER now to be admitted which causes me to be unable to get any inpatient help. The assault happened in the hospital ER by 2 security guards. I have lost my faith in this medical community. I take all my care 2 hours away now to Pittsburgh. I have sought help from every OP provider in this entire state, they either are not taking patients, do not take my insurance, or they stood me up. Yes, I have been stood up by 3 different therapists at our first appointment. No one wants to help me. Even my husband is not convinced. It is crazy. I have been trying to get help since November of 2022. I finally found a NP I like to prescribe my meds. I have been turned down by multiple psychiatrists before I ever even sit down in their . I am told we will not be prescribing your ADHD medicine since you also receive a pain medication from an alternative provider. They say this without even talking to me. How do they know I might not be willing to switch to a non stimulant ADHD medication? I have only ever tried one and it was not helpful by itself but I would be willing to try. I just believe I'm not meant to be better. I am scared to death that this is how I am going to live and this is how I am going to die. 🙁


Please please keep trying! Thomas Edison once said, "if you think you've tried everything, you haven't" - had he not tried one more thing, we might not have had electric lighting as early as we did. You have my best wishes for your ultimate success here.


Have you discussed your anxiety with your Dr? There are many ways to deal with anxiety including, but not exclusively medication, so reach out for help. I have been diagnosed with a neurological anxiety and depression disorder, so I have been dealing with this for years. The first place to start is seeking help. Yes, anxiety can also be crippling socially, effecting all your relationships, just as with your children, but there is help, just seek it. I understand, and I hope you get help now, without delay. ❤️

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I have been on Lexapro since last December.. We moved since then across coasts with our pup. I am finding myself tired while on the 20 mg. We walk with our pup on some new trails here on Cape Cod. I think my anxiety has improved. On the West Coast, my anxiety was so high. unbeknownst, our backyard was not right for our pup. She had three poodles to the left. Two dogs up above us. We had no privacy. A new house was built in back of us with 2 to 3 dogs. I found my anxiety for her and our yard was so high. We put up a fence, which the association finally allowed, but she was so frustrated barking at the dogs and not being able to see them. Running from the tree to the fence. I feel like it is-my fault by wanting to go back there. I couldn’t sit still on the couch. I watched TV with hubby and kept bouncing up and down. I guess this was anxiety. Now I don’t have that awful anxiety but I feel tired and depressed and tired from my pills. My husband has heart disease. And had quadruple bipass surgery 24 years ago. He is so helpful. I worry about him and our pup.
Thanks for listening.
Adelheid. ❤️
Ps…sorry for my complaining..


I have been on Lexapro since last December.. We moved since then across coasts with our pup. I am finding myself tired while on the 20 mg. We walk with our pup on some new trails here on Cape Cod. I think my anxiety has improved. On the West Coast, my anxiety was so high. unbeknownst, our backyard was not right for our pup. She had three poodles to the left. Two dogs up above us. We had no privacy. A new house was built in back of us with 2 to 3 dogs. I found my anxiety for her and our yard was so high. We put up a fence, which the association finally allowed, but she was so frustrated barking at the dogs and not being able to see them. Running from the tree to the fence. I feel like it is-my fault by wanting to go back there. I couldn’t sit still on the couch. I watched TV with hubby and kept bouncing up and down. I guess this was anxiety. Now I don’t have that awful anxiety but I feel tired and depressed and tired from my pills. My husband has heart disease. And had quadruple bipass surgery 24 years ago. He is so helpful. I worry about him and our pup.
Thanks for listening.
Adelheid. ❤️
Ps…sorry for my complaining..

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Anytime, Adelheid. My anxiety disorder is part of my Major Depression and Anxiety Neurological Disorder, so I understand both the anxiety and depression. Hopefully, the body will soon adjust to the meds and you will feel better. At least, I hope you will. ❤️


Please please keep trying! Thomas Edison once said, "if you think you've tried everything, you haven't" - had he not tried one more thing, we might not have had electric lighting as early as we did. You have my best wishes for your ultimate success here.

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The only way I can keep my anxiety at bay is of course taking my meds, removing hurtful family members and planning peaceful days. I spend a lot of time alone or sleeping. At this point just about everything causes anxiety. I'm best alone.


The only way I can keep my anxiety at bay is of course taking my meds, removing hurtful family members and planning peaceful days. I spend a lot of time alone or sleeping. At this point just about everything causes anxiety. I'm best alone.

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I wish you well. Question, are you able to get any exercise? I find exercise helps my anxiety and depression a lot!


It looks like it's eight years that your mother's stroke started your anxiety...which may have became worse after death of your parents.

But what CAN one really do After a person, or even before a person had stroke? Often diseases come unbidden. All what one Can do is live a life of purpose with healthy habits. Otherwise things can turn out unfavorably for us, too.

And That is the pressing issue we have now. You have been been unable to resolve the death of parents, as I see it, and it's eating away from Your Life that You owe to your children and other family and friends and community. This has been the way with we human beings, sentient beings who must suffer but also able to have a flourishing life overall.

So I'd invite you to join those alive around you who deserve your love and humanity in its full generosity to bestow upon those who need it. Life and death with often too many regrets has been eternal. So let's move forward before we find out out the damage has been too much to reverse. After all anxiety is not helping anyone, right?

I wish you strength and wisdom to start a new even joyful -- journey.


I wish you well. Question, are you able to get any exercise? I find exercise helps my anxiety and depression a lot!

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Not a big fan of "exercise." I do however walk with my tall walker, up and down my long hall in the house 50 times a day. Go to local hospital to PT room and ride a bike thing. Keep 2 lb weights and use them with my arms while I watch TV in the evening. Crawl around n d flower bes to weed and play t, cook some. In my mind keeping active is my exercise. I wear braces on both legs .

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