Why do I have this strangest bowel management routine ever?

Posted by geekygirl9 @geekygirl9, Feb 1, 2024

That's what I literally call it - my "routine" - and my family all know what it means. And I don't know of anyone else with a similar issue to give me a clue as to what's wrong with me. Here's the story:
A couple years ago, I was having 1 or 2 small BM's per week. Then I had scoliosis surgery and apparently my spine had been compressing my gut because all of a sudden it started functioning again - well, sort of. I have a BM every day, but I go through a strange ritual to have it. I'm also still on MiraLAX and working to get off, but medicine alone isn't enough for me. Around 6-8 months after my surgery, I noticed a change in my bowel habits. The good part was, I started becoming less and less dependent on magnesium citrate (a medication I started shortly after surgery) to have a BM. The bad part was, I went from being able to have bowel movements any time of day effortlessly to my current condition:
- Now I'm only able to go in the morning (I guess because that's when my mood is the best) before breakfast. Rarely do I ever have 2 BM's in one day, and rarely do I have a BM after I've started eating for the day - except for a blueberry snack first thing when I wake up to tide me over during my "routine". Eating more than that would be risky.
-Oh, also, if I have to get up earlier than usual, that is often REALLY bad news for both the size of my BM that day and the length of my "routine".
- Once I've gotten up and had my snack, I have to head straight for my computer and surf the internet for an unpredictable amount of time (generally 2 hours, but could be anywhere from half an hour to 3 hours) and look for fun/exciting/motivating stuff to put me in a good mood and get some adrenaline pumping in order to stimulate my gut muscles. Could be interesting emails I've gotten, art contests that sound like fun, internship postings, etc. - sometimes even messages on Connect XD. Oh, and I also listen to catchy songs. The one thing I usually can't do is study.
- And I need all my concentration for my routine. I can't take a break for even a few seconds, or my excitement/stress level will go down and my gut will think that my routine is over and stop moving - and then unless I can convince it that no, it's not done, I might have to just give up and be content with a very small BM, which is always scary when I can't just have a 2nd one later that day to catch up.

After 2 or 3 hours of this, I'm physically and emotionally exhausted. I didn't have to do any of this weird stuff to have a bowel movement for the first several months after surgery; they just came naturally. I wonder what could be wrong! Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks for listening.

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8 mos ago, you could set your clock by the time of my morning routine. 6:30. Always. I had half a cup of espresso and it was time. 🙂

Prior to my lung surgery I had contracted both C-Diff and microscopic colitis and was house-bound for seven months with relentless diarrhea. I was successfully treated for 3 mos with Budesonide. 5 months later, After my lung surgery, I was on morphine and some other pain meds for 4 days. I was so incredibly constipated it was painful. The nurse had to insert a fleet suppository and it worked but I haven’t been the same since. I’m doing two teaspoons of Benefiber in water at night, plus 2-4 Benefiber gummies. Plus a stool softener. For a while it seemed pretty reliable - albeit at 10am which interfered with appointments. So I tried to back up the time I took all the evening stuff to like 7pm instead of 10. But the result is going every other day -or so- and not every day. Maddening. I’m giving it time to see it will reset. I leave at 9:45 for church and if I haven’t “gone” by then, I have to watch online. I can’t risk getting the urge during the service.

And here’s a gripe if you are a minister. Please don’t ask “what do I have to do to see you in Church”? Because I don’t want to embarrass us both by telling you.

SO I get your frustration. I’m sure there are scores of people on this site living variations of the same dilemma. Not a sorority I would choose to join. LOL.

Hang in there.

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