White matter disease and gluten sensitivity

Posted by seapen @seapen, Jan 10 8:26am

White matter disease and gluten sensitivity. The book "Grain Brain" says that gluten sensitivity can affect white matter in the brain. What do you know about this?

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My husband was recently diagnosed with white matter in his brain. He also has gluten issues. I will look for that book. Thank you. We had no idea the two are connected.


My husband was recently diagnosed with white matter in his brain. He also has gluten issues. I will look for that book. Thank you. We had no idea the two are connected.

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"Grain Brain" is by David Perlmutter. He just mentions white matter disease along with bipolar, schizophrenia and other neurological disorders. The book is sold on Amazon, but I found it as a book on tape on BARD the talking books that people who have reading problems can subscribe to for free. (Thank you, US government). I have found BARD a great resource. There is also an old book called Matters Gray and White by Russel Martin that is good to start with .


Thanks so much. I believe that everyone should get a brain MRI at a certain age. Like a colonoscopy. I'm sure there are a lot of seniors with white matter that have no idea. My husband suffered a subdural hematoma and found his white matter as a result of the MRI.


I have joined a community group in Maine that focuses on dementia. As part of that I got a volumetric MRI that showed that my white matter was very reduced (10 percentile). My gray matter is pretty good for a 73-year old (80 percentile). Coincidently, 25 years ago when I was suffering from depression, I had a regular MRI and the neurologist told me that I had MS, but he did not write that in the report. My primary physician asked me what the neurologist told me and I said that he told me I had MS. My PC just rolled his eyes and put me on an antidepressant. I have not had any symptoms of MS, except I am not great at standing on one foot in yoga class, and I have dry eyes. My mother who died at 78 years in 1996 had what they called mini-stokes. My mother said it was hereditary. I am trying to figure out if that is related to white matter disease. I would be interested to know what you find out. The reason I asked about gluten is that my dementia group recommends avoiding gluten and dairy since they are inflammatory to the body, including the brain.


Gluten only affects the villi in the small intestine. However, the sensitivity leads to an immune response, inflammation as a result of the immune response, and who knows what all happens as a result of that. Many disorders...and many other symptoms....some of them awful. My wife is Celiac, found only when she was about 45 years of age. She managed to recover the use of her small intestine, but by then she had developed other auto-immune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis in her knuckles, irritable bowel syndrome....a mess of illness.

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