Whiplash affecting Chronic conditions

Posted by fightingfibro0505 @fightingfibro0505, Jan 5 8:20pm

Really needing some suggestions!
In 2020 I was in a car crash which triggered fibromyalgia, diagnosed by the Mayo Clinic in 2021, as well as a few other conditions: Raynaud's, chronic fatigue, central sensitization syndrome, those are the main conditions. In 2022 I had another injury occur including severe whiplash and a concussion, this is when my health went downhill. My symptoms related to chronic conditions including pain levels doubled in severity plus new dysautonomia symptoms began popping up such as cognitive issues, sensitivity to light and noise increased, I had a few fainting spells and I never experienced that prior to the second injury, migraines, vision issues, and the list goes on.

A lot of the symptoms like cognitive changes are due to post concussion syndrome but the chronic condition symptoms doubling in severity I think is related to something else and haven't had helpful answers that can bring me back to better health. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone who may have experienced something similar? I have been seeing several specialists locally but they are now suggesting I go to the Mayo Clinic again due to the complexity of my symptoms.

Thank you so much in advance for any help, suggestions, or advice!

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I am so sorry you’re going through all of that. I’ve had FM since about 30 yrs old, came from a trauma of a break in when alone with my 3 yr old daughter.
Something I thought about when I read all of those symptoms your having. Have you checked into chiropractors? There’s a new machine that takes images of the very top Vertebrae…and if it’s off by a little or Lot it can cause all of those issues. Worth looking into.
Will Definately say a prayer for you. I feel so bad for you,
I hope you fine a solid answer and get relief!


I am so sorry you’re going through all of that. I’ve had FM since about 30 yrs old, came from a trauma of a break in when alone with my 3 yr old daughter.
Something I thought about when I read all of those symptoms your having. Have you checked into chiropractors? There’s a new machine that takes images of the very top Vertebrae…and if it’s off by a little or Lot it can cause all of those issues. Worth looking into.
Will Definately say a prayer for you. I feel so bad for you,
I hope you fine a solid answer and get relief!

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thank you so much thats a good point i did have spinal injuries during the second injury and i think a good 50% of my pain levels doubling is from physical injuires


Hello! I'm so sorry you are dealing with all this. Have you been checked for Chiari malformation? Had a brain or cervical spine mri?I apparently was born with it and it was discovered when I had an mri because of constant migraines. It was borderline at that point. However a couple yrs ago I was running, fell and knocked myself out, gave myself a concussion and whiplash. I then went to the dr for progressively worsening symptoms, numbness, pins and needles, pain, worsening migraines, dizziness and vertigo, brain fog, fatigue. Headaches worse when bearing down coughing or sneezing and sparkly floaters. Apparently my fall made the malformation worse. Whiplash and things like car accidents can trigger one to become symptomatic. I hope you find some answers!



If I were you, I would get to a top notch Neurological doctor. If you can’t get into Mayo, try Cleveland Clinic. They have locations around. I live in Phoenix , AZ and am hoping to get an appoint with their neurological dept in Las Vegas, NV.
I have several neurological conditions.

Hopefully you can an appointment somewhere soon. Best wishes.

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