What is the average age of the gentlemen on here?

Posted by john57 @john57, Mar 26, 2020

good evening men. i have a group question here. i,m 57 years old and i feel that is kind of young to have prostate cancer. so my question for the men is what is the age of some of you?

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I am currently 68, still living with stage 4 prostate cancer, metastatic. Diagnosed at age 57, probably had it at 53…

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I’m 75, and was recently upgraded to stage 4 PC. I have been on Lupron for about 3 years. Not looking forward to starting chemo n January.


My husband was 62, he had surgery before robotic surgery came out in 2003 and his PSA was high in 2011 so he had radiation.


75, 9 Gleason score, advanced aggressive NM had RP on lupon and Erleada 6 months before and 6 months after surgery in a clinical trial, presently 0 PSA, 12 testosterone , manageable side effects


I am currently 68, still living with stage 4 prostate cancer, metastatic. Diagnosed at age 57, probably had it at 53…

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So when diagnosed, you chose to live life and what happens happens?


I am currently 68, still living with stage 4 prostate cancer, metastatic. Diagnosed at age 57, probably had it at 53…


I was diagnosed at 60 but probably had it at 57 or 58. Had Davinci RP at 65. I’m just over 1 year with no reoccurrence yet thankfully however I’m still healing and have had issues. Life has changed certainly post prostatectomy.


I turned 59 in 2020 but diagnosed with cancer in November 2019. I am also considered young to get this disease. My PSA started going up in 2015. It was around 5 at that time but in 2019 October it went up to 9 so my PCP referred me to a Urologist. After the biopsy, scans, etc., it is determine as stage 4. I started hormone therapy ( Lupron shots in January), Chemo in February( just got me 3rd infusion yesterday abc have 3 more to go), and I’ll be be getting radiation therapy after the Chemos.

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what chemo? Docetaxel?


Have they mentioned Xofigo radiam 223 ?yet

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Not yet, going thru SCO: ADT(Nubeqa)+Docetaxel+Eligard.

Last chemo will be Jan 2023, after it will see what is the status and next steps...


I’m 47, diagnosed 3 month ago with metastatic cancer (bone), currently receiving chemotherapy 6 doses of docetaxcel (3 done, 3 to go) + Nubeqa + Eligard injection every 3 months.

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Have they mentioned Xofigo radiam 223 ?yet


I'm 71. Seven months ago I had my prostate removed. PSA testing every three months. Grateful for this network of information and support, and wishing everyone good health.

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