Weaning off duloxetine

Posted by kennycockerel @kennycockerel, Jul 24, 2024

I've just weaned off duloxetine 120mg to zero over a 8 week period since l stopped I'm getting head zaps or buzzing it comes and goes never had this before any ideas l was on duloxetine for 1 year for severe peripheral neuropathy caused by oxaliplatin chemo and major surgery for bowel cancer

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I also weaned off duloxetine and bupropion before a surgery and ended up with terrible side effects, brain zaps and major depression. Since these medications affect our brain chemistry, it may take a while for our brains to readjust to no more medicine and getting back to our own equilibrium. You were on a high dose so that may have made your symptoms worse. I was only on 60 mg per day.

I have small fiber neuropathy and take alpha Lipoic acid and Acetyl l carnitine to lessens nerve pain. It does help me some.




If really bad, you may ask your doctor if going back on a low dose of duloxetine to taper off would help reduce the brain zaps. Did you work with your doctor to taper or did you do it on your own. I did it on my own over 6 weeks.




If really bad, you may ask your doctor if going back on a low dose of duloxetine to taper off would help reduce the brain zaps. Did you work with your doctor to taper or did you do it on your own. I did it on my own over 6 weeks.


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My nhs neurologist set out plan which she sent to my doctor l started on pregabalin for 6 month's got to maximum dosage side effects terrible pain no better. I've been on duloxetine for over a year up to 120mg been weaned off for 4 day's over 8 week period 20 mg at a time l fill terrible all my past pains and numbness have come back from my toes to backside also hands head zaps and feeling down your right 40mg to 60mg is the right level for me it did help with pain l will just have to live with it. Doctor has now prescribed amitriptyline 10 mg at night l will wait two week's before l start. It's been tough for 3 years major operation, chemo for 6 month's oxaliplatin which caused nerve damage also 25 visits radiotherapy I'm still alive 😃 permanent stoma with a hernia also . Good news l had my 3 yearly ct scan with contrast and no recurrence of bowel cancer happy day's ahead nice to talk appreciate your feed back regards Kenneth


This brain zaps and headaches are come with these psychotropic drugs. Mine lasted 2 years. At 78 I told my neurologist no more changing anything. The drug companies lie about what the drugs do. They don’t raise serotonin they rewire you chemistry. No $ are spent on researching tapering and your Dr is guessing they have never been on the drug. Get on line find folks who are in your situation. They can tell you the truth. My truth is I am stuck in 2 drugs I shouldn’t have been put on past age 60, ametriptoline and lorazepam terribly addictive I will die on these after many horrible attempts to get off. You will find a British neurologist who completed his thesis on tapering off and says even if you can cope without the meds after years of taper you will still have issues. 5 years and the brain zaps are gone from lyrica.
Good luck it’s a jungle.


My nhs neurologist set out plan which she sent to my doctor l started on pregabalin for 6 month's got to maximum dosage side effects terrible pain no better. I've been on duloxetine for over a year up to 120mg been weaned off for 4 day's over 8 week period 20 mg at a time l fill terrible all my past pains and numbness have come back from my toes to backside also hands head zaps and feeling down your right 40mg to 60mg is the right level for me it did help with pain l will just have to live with it. Doctor has now prescribed amitriptyline 10 mg at night l will wait two week's before l start. It's been tough for 3 years major operation, chemo for 6 month's oxaliplatin which caused nerve damage also 25 visits radiotherapy I'm still alive 😃 permanent stoma with a hernia also . Good news l had my 3 yearly ct scan with contrast and no recurrence of bowel cancer happy day's ahead nice to talk appreciate your feed back regards Kenneth

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Gabapentine helps me with chronic migrain pain. 400 mg x7 daily plus ametriptoline and lorazepam for life.
Not fun


I myself was on it for for seven years ! You definitely have to wean yourself off slowly . Light headiness, hallucination mildly , bad balance, and hearing things were the side effects I went through! Yes tried I go cold turkey and didn't realize the side affects , so I went with the weaning approach , it was tuff but a lot better !


I myself was on it for for seven years ! You definitely have to wean yourself off slowly . Light headiness, hallucination mildly , bad balance, and hearing things were the side effects I went through! Yes tried I go cold turkey and didn't realize the side affects , so I went with the weaning approach , it was tuff but a lot better !

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Thanks would you suggest going cold turkey for a few week's before starting amitriptyline ?



No! If your going to a new antidepressant stop what your taking before starting new meds !

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