Urinary Retention after Biopsy and continuing

Posted by jaykwik @jaykwik, Jul 13, 2023

Was diagnosed with Geason Score 8 Regional spread to 1 lymph node and 1 seminal vessel, coupled with Enlarged Prostate. Needed a Foley catheter ever since biopsy in April. On Firmagon monthly ADT for 2 mos now. Starting 28 EBRT in August (they were hoping to get catheter out prior to treatment, but doesn’t look possible). Anyone have experience with Urinary Retention? Hoping it’s not permanent.

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Yes, last year in June was in the ER at 2 am for urinary retention, Put a catheter in, 2 months later put on ADT ,Zytiga and Eligard, so it would shrink my prostate and tumors, after two more months, they took out the catheter and have had no problems at all urinating since. Chose to have RALP next week, seemed the best way for me. My PC stats are the same as yours. GS 8 and regional PC.


Thank you for sharing. Gives us some hope. Will be Starting radiation with, or without,catheter on aug 9th. They Will try to remove catheter aug 3rd. (Tried to remove end July But was not voiding enough). So Here’s hoping the 2nd time is the charm. On ADT for 6 weeks as of now. PSA went from 13.8 to 5.6 so far.
RALP was not option, due to Regional spread to 1 local lymph node and seminal vessel. RO said if went surgery route, would be back for radiation anyway.
Best of luck with your RALP. You’ll have peace of mind (hopefully) once it’s behind you. I know we will. Take care

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