Unexplained weight loss worried

Posted by rinaa @rinaa, 2 days ago

I have lost around 22 lbs in several months without doing anything. I weighed 208 back in may of last year and now weigh 186 in march. I would normally be happy to lose weight, but right now my concern is I haven't been trying to lose weight. My weight has just been steadily decreasing without me trying I haven't changed anything in my lifestyle or diet, and I am currently almost always sedentary. This concerns me because my weight has been stable roughly around 200 for years. I went to the community clinic near me because in feb I had blood in my stool that looked like clots. I haven't seen any blood since and had no prior experience with blood in my stool before. I did a hemoccult of one sample it came back negative. I have had to use aleve to treat my arthritis pain and I had taken two aleve in seven-hour window hours prior to seeing the blood in stool so that is the only thing I could chalk it up to being the cause, not completely sure it was though. I have taken nsaids for years without issue but just in case since then I stopped taking them. I have severe gerd,possible ibs have all the symptoms(every few months painful stomach cramps then rapid urge to go to the bathroom lasts 30 minutes then fine have had this for years sometimes feel sick from the vagus nerve usually certain foods trigger this like my gerd) but haven't gotten diagnosed, and psoriatic arthritis. The only medication I am on is nexium over the counter. I have had severe gerd since I was newborn stomach acid regurgitates into my month often certain foods trigger it more. I don't have health insurance I am only able to go to a community clinic right now and they only cover general care. My weight hasn’t been stable since before may and it's decreasing slowly. I should add I have had sharp pain that lasts for a few seconds on the right flank slightly towards the back only happened a few times in the last couple of months but have had it happen twice the past two day. Also been dealing with nausea. I am just not sure where to go with this I am concerned.

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@rinaa could you see another doctor? Your symptoms - especially the unexplained weight loss - sound serious.


Have you gone to an er? By law they have to treat you with or without insurance. Have you had ct or cta of your abdomen? They also can do more extensive bloodwork in er.


Definitely go to the ER! They will help you get the bottom of this and they do have to treat you. I hope it is nothing to worry about, but better to find out early if it is serious.


Could be malabsorption or EPI. Definitely go see a gastroenterologist and get a full GI workup.


I agree with the others that have commented here including the one that said to go to the ER if you feel it necessary. There is something wrong and you are right to be concerned. You should check into your options with regards to having no medical insurance. I'm sure there must be something available to you.


I can relate. I too suffer from weight loss and it is so frustrating. They think you not eating enough 'INTENTIONALLY'. This couldn't be further from the truth. However, I don't believe my situation is as dire as yours. I'm suffering because of BAM after gallbladder removal due to gallstones. Best of luck to you!


Have you gone to an er? By law they have to treat you with or without insurance. Have you had ct or cta of your abdomen? They also can do more extensive bloodwork in er.

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I haven't gone yet, and I haven't had a ct,cta or anything done of my abdomen that is one thing I would like done.


@rinaa could you see another doctor? Your symptoms - especially the unexplained weight loss - sound serious.

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I wish I could, but since I have no health insurance, I am only able to see the community clinic. I know I really need and would like to see a gastroenterologist.

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