Unable to walk unassisted since TLKR a year ago. Has anyone else dealt

Posted by voconnor @voconnor, Dec 1, 2023

Has anyone else experienced not being able to walk unassisted since TLKR? I can walk with a walker but not without it. Surgery was a year ago
PT ongoing since.

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I was walking, slowly and carefully, without a walker or cane by 6 weeks after surgery forTKN. Now, 5 months after surgery, I walk 2+ miles almost every day. I still have some stiffness and discomfort but that's it. I'm 67 and was very fit until about 4-5 years ago when arthritis became a problem. I realize that everyone's case is different but you might want to get a second opinion if your surgeon isn't being helpful, as in not ordering x-rays or whatever to find out If there is a problem that needs correcting.



Thank you. I recently went to another surgeon and am having a bone scan this week.
Hopefully this will help find my problem.
I will post results but please keep me in your prayers. This has been a very difficult time.


I was quite fit prior to my total hip in 2017. I kept walking and fell at a friends home ( after a hike), fractured my left hip and had left total hip. I continued my activity, walking and hiking, until I had my left total knee in May, 2022 at age 74, and walked 5 miles at 6 weeks postop. Then I had my right total knee replaced in January this year, and met my goal to walk 5 miles at 5 weeks postop! So now I am 75 1/2 and still walking 5 miles 1-2 times per week.
My secret: I have always been active, eat well and am not overweight, plus have social activities with walking groups. My father lived to be 101, my mother made it to 93.
Other than inheriting a lot of arthritis, it is amazing to be alive with 4 total joints, and keep walking!!
Has anyone worn out their total joints??
It is not clear how long mine will last!


I understand! I have had a terrible time walking unassisted and it will be a year for me this week. I exercise a lot and ride bike but I’m still not confident without the rollator. Unfortunately this tkr has been a terrible ordeal and although I’m progressing I have a long ways to go. I wish you very best. It’s difficult and I’m very envious of all the people who have an “easy” recovery.


Thank you. Nice to know that I’m not alone.


Thank you. Nice to know that I’m not alone.

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You are not alone and it's also not really so helpful, I'm guessing to know about how incredibly well others are doing. You are clearly having an unusual experience. I can walk unassisted but I have remaining inflammation upon any exertion almost 11 months later. Although I was never a marathon runner, I did try to stay fit until all of this started. I'm still trying but it's difficult. You are most definitely not alone. You are in my thoughts for sure. Good luck with your appointment and keep us posted.

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