
Posted by dougs72 @dougs72, Jun 27, 2024

Given my unremarkable lumbar MRIs (degenerative Disc disease and slight bulges only) and pelvic MRI, along with steroid shots in SI Joint and diagnostic facet joint shot, but still having obvious symptoms in my lumbar back, hip and back of leg (hamstring pull pain), I've read about using ultrasound to identify pinched nerves. Has anyone done this, as my doctors have not even brought it up, so I'm researching about every possible thing to help identify this issue.

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@dougs72 MRIs give a lot more detail than Ultrasound imaging. Ultrasound is a person with a wand and some gel pressing that against your body to get a fuzzy image on a screen. Often physical therapy can help a patient avoid surgery. Surgery creates issues with scar tissue that can add to pain, so it isn't always in your best interest. Perhaps it's a good thing that your MRI imaging has not found anything requiring surgery. Something to consider.

Remember, we talked about PT in your first discussion and about the issues that can happen with a misaligned pelvis?
"My doctor doesn't find a spine problem; what else could it be?"
Have you discussed any of those physical issues with your providers? You could show them the link to this technical literature in that discussion and ask if your case is like this. That will get your doctors considering this possibility. If physical therapy is to help you, you will need to commit to doing the work with the therapist. Even after a surgery, there is often a lot of rehab and physical therapy and patients need to embrace that to recover fully. It's your choice to work to better your physical condition and get your body moving better with less pain, or do nothing, and nothing changes.

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