My journey with rectal cancer: What's your experience?

Posted by martin77 @martin77, Oct 28, 2022

Hello everyone. I live in the UK and was diagnosed with rectal cancer 2 weeks ago. Since then I've been fast tracked through our NHS system with an MRI scan, CT scan, and another MRI scan this coming Monday to check out a spot on my liver, followed by a meeting with a consultant.
I've been told the tumour is 6" inside from my anus. Can anyone inform me if this would be rated low, mid, or high up in the rectum? Thanks.
This is a great forum for exchanging information. Hats off to the Mayo Clinic!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Colorectal Cancer Support Group.


My rectal cancer is 7 cm from the anus. With that being said surgeons did not want to do resection on me until the 2 inch tumor shrinks via chemo/radiation. Which I will be starting in next week or so. The surgeon wants to avoid colonoscopy bag if the resection Was done before chemo/radiation, shrinking of the tumor. Thru research the rectum is 12cm, my tumor starts at 7 cm in I believe mine would be considered low rectal. But your Dr should be able to tell you.

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My cancer is a 5cm SCC involving anal sphincter stage 3 diagnosed December 2022. I had an emergency loop colostomy end of January due to high risk of obstruction & commenced daily combined radiation & chemo. I completed my 28 treatments last week.
Firstly, I suffered more than most with the side effects of constant diarrhoea ( thank goodness for the Colostomy bag) leading to severe dehydration & electrolyte imbalance, loss of appetite & nausea leading to malnutrition, gross weight & muscle loss & nil energy . I had 2 breaks of 1 week each during treatment course & noticed improvement in appetite at end of each week . Interestingly, I began to pass bits of the dead tumour rectally in last week's of treatment. This was a putrid substance, but not unexpected according to Oncologist. Now I wait...chemo & radiation continues to work for about 1 month after treatment finishes...for my appetite to return, so I can begin my rebuild. Super important to keep fluids up & I have found cold drinks ( better if milk or high protein) with ice more successful with electrolyte replacement tablets once per day with diarrhoea. I have had 3 IV fluids replacements. I am still taking anti nausea medication so I can eat small amounts, but praying my appetite returns in next few days.


My rectal cancer is 7 cm from the anus. With that being said surgeons did not want to do resection on me until the 2 inch tumor shrinks via chemo/radiation. Which I will be starting in next week or so. The surgeon wants to avoid colonoscopy bag if the resection Was done before chemo/radiation, shrinking of the tumor. Thru research the rectum is 12cm, my tumor starts at 7 cm in I believe mine would be considered low rectal. But your Dr should be able to tell you.

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i have rectal c ---- i'm on my 5 chemo i hope it shrinks and i dont need bag - id like them do do exam and see if its shrunk and they can operate asap


My rectal cancer is 7 cm from the anus. With that being said surgeons did not want to do resection on me until the 2 inch tumor shrinks via chemo/radiation. Which I will be starting in next week or so. The surgeon wants to avoid colonoscopy bag if the resection Was done before chemo/radiation, shrinking of the tumor. Thru research the rectum is 12cm, my tumor starts at 7 cm in I believe mine would be considered low rectal. But your Dr should be able to tell you.


I am interested in hearing from anyone who’s had an anoplasty procedure done.


How was your resection did they go through stomach

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Yes, I had keyhole surgery in 4 places below the navel. I left hospital after 4 days having had very little pain and recovered quickly. The only problem was an allergic reaction to the glue used on the stitches but that cleared up eventually.


i thought that radiation wasnt as bad as chemo

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I have had both. Chemo is a bit debilitating but do-able. I had a port inserted and took the chemo that way. You will feel absolutely wiped out. I never had much nausea but did take the anti-nausea pills they gave me.

Radiation is painless, but the sessions do build up, so it has become a bit painful towards the end. I have not had to take pain killers so, again, it is manageable. I think I have had over 20 sessions and take chemo pills every day. I have 3 sessions to go, then we will see the result. I will say that I feel quite positive as I don't feel any pain from the cancer presently.


Martin77 it has been interesting reading your journey. I was diagnosed with anal cancer in April of this year 2022. My treatment was very different from yours. I didn't have surgery but had 6 weeks of radiation and 2 weeks of chemo while doing the radiation. For the chemo I was hooked up on a Monday and wore a pump for 4 days during the first and last week of radiation.
Radiation was bad, I hope you don't have to go through that. Treatment went well and it looks like the cancer is gone but now I'm having side effects from the treatments. The chemo caused a blood clot and now the blood thinners are causing some very unexpected bleeding. Its been hard to stay positive as I just wish I could put this all behind me. Keep posting about your journey, it helps to know I'm not the only one on this path right now.

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i thought that radiation wasnt as bad as chemo


Day 46. December 21. Six days into chemo and a different story now! It started well and continued fine until Monday evening / yesterday when a severe bout of constipation set in, plus increasing fatigue, necessitating several calls to my helpful hospital team. Not sure of the cause, possibly the anti-sickness pills prescribed rather than the Xeloda. Anyhow, a Dulcolas pill on Monday evening, and 3 packets of Movacol yesterday eventually shifted the obstruction but has left me sore and lacking in energy through not being able to eat much. I was worried about the effect of all the straining on my reconnected colon but a nurse said that after 6 weeks I should be fine, which was a relief to hear.
Has anyone else had a similar experience?

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i dont get any pills but they give me intravenious anti nausea medicine and it seems to work -- i didnt get any pills it was all intravenious


Yes, it's not much fun. Do you have a similar pattern for each treatment of a tough start, an easier middle and an almost normal final stage before starting the next round? I found that helped both my physical and mental state. Best of luck with your future treatment - once it's all over I hope you'll feel great!

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yes you feel better the farther you are from when you get chemo -i feel sorry for all of us


Yes, it's not much fun. Do you have a similar pattern for each treatment of a tough start, an easier middle and an almost normal final stage before starting the next round? I found that helped both my physical and mental state. Best of luck with your future treatment - once it's all over I hope you'll feel great!

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How was your resection did they go through stomach

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