Transverse Myelitis: Problems after recovery.

Posted by kat101716 @kat101716, Sep 13, 2023

Does anyone else struggle with lasting effects from TM (pain, numbness, spasms, legs giving out, etc). Even after recovery?

I (22 F) was diagnosed with TM back in March 2019.
I woke up after a family trip and made my sister and I breakfast, that’s when I noticed the pins and needle feeling in my legs. I brushed it off to just sleeping wrong, but was proven wrong not even 30 minutes later when I became paralyzed from the chest line down.

It took me almost 7 months to be able to walk by myself without guidance/support.
Lately, I’ve been struggling with leftover symptoms.
My legs give out randomly, knees lock up, spasms and I have a lot of pain that keeps me from getting out of bed some days.
I had an mri and blood work done recently but there is nothing there. (Except that I’m malnourished, and vitamin D deficient)
And I was wondering if anyone else deals/has dealt with the same?

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I (73 M) have been dealing with legs giving out, knee lock, and muscle (spastic) spasms(right leg, mainly from lower-mid-thigh). My local neurologist suggested a muscle relaxer to alleviate the above symptoms. I am in my third week of Tizanidine(4mg tablets) up to 3 times a day. I cut it down to twice a day - early-mid morning and early evening(when the spasms seem to surface). On the plus side, my spasms have decreased and my legs have not given out and no knee lock. The down side is the major side effect of drowsiness and dry mouth, especially during the first hour. I am going to cut back to once daily in another week only to minimize the side effects. Hope this helps.

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