Posted by agingdonna @agingdonna, May 5, 2023

Hi, I live in Australia and had my 2nd TKR mid March. I basically had 90° range of motion 12 hrs after op. Regiously did exercises and icing, walking unaided and riding stationary bike within 2 weeks. Oh, by the way I have named my knee Bella the other one's a silly thing I do. Well Bella is great during the day but as the evening nears she gets heavy. When I retire to bed and she lies out straight I start to get an ache from hip to the ankle and then electric shocks coming from the sciatica down to same point on outer ankle. I am 70 and have suffered from arthritis since my 20's and knee problems. Let's say I overshot the runway with a growth spurt at 13 and have had joint issues since. I also have scoliosis of spine and oesteoporosis thinning of bones. This TKR seems to have taken so much more out of me than the last one 2 yrs ago. Anyway the question is...would it be nerve damage, or re-alignment of a leg that is not used to being straight, or could I be over doing it. I still have swelling too. Never had this issue with other knee except for an ache at the back of knee which seem to just disappear 12 mths later.

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I have had only one TKR however at 7 months I am noticing the I am having issues with some sciatica on my left side which is the opposite of my TKR. I have had issues with arthritis in my sacroiliac joint but it has not bothered me for over 3 years and now I'm having issues with this again as well as pain on the top of my feet. I'm told it has nothing to do with the TKR but didn't start till then. I'm wondering if we're overdoing it because I do push myself. I'm doing everything I did prior to my surgery except getting up and down off the floor. I'm hoping by a year this all resolves itself.


Hello @agingdonna, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @cindymattern. It does sound like overdoing it a little might be contributing since you mentioned you also have sciatica and some swelling. What helped reduce swelling at night after my TKR was to put a folded blanket under the mattress at the foot of the bed to slight elevate the legs. You might want to take a look at the following discussion which a similar question was asked.

--- sciatica pain and exercise:


@agingdonna - "Anyway the question is…would it be nerve damage, or re-alignment of a leg that is not used to being straight, or could I be over doing it. "

It could be the realignment, but mine worked to my benefit. I had sciatica on my left side before I had my 2nd TKR. My toes turned in and I walked with a drop and rotation on my hip, I think it was a gait adjustment to keep pressure and pain off my knee. My knee was straightened with TKR, and I have not had problems with sciatica since. But it's conceivable that any change and realignment of the leg might irritate the sciatic nerve.


I have had only one TKR however at 7 months I am noticing the I am having issues with some sciatica on my left side which is the opposite of my TKR. I have had issues with arthritis in my sacroiliac joint but it has not bothered me for over 3 years and now I'm having issues with this again as well as pain on the top of my feet. I'm told it has nothing to do with the TKR but didn't start till then. I'm wondering if we're overdoing it because I do push myself. I'm doing everything I did prior to my surgery except getting up and down off the floor. I'm hoping by a year this all resolves itself.

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Thank you so much for your imput...I'll take it all on board


@agingdonna - "Anyway the question is…would it be nerve damage, or re-alignment of a leg that is not used to being straight, or could I be over doing it. "

It could be the realignment, but mine worked to my benefit. I had sciatica on my left side before I had my 2nd TKR. My toes turned in and I walked with a drop and rotation on my hip, I think it was a gait adjustment to keep pressure and pain off my knee. My knee was straightened with TKR, and I have not had problems with sciatica since. But it's conceivable that any change and realignment of the leg might irritate the sciatic nerve.

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Thank you...I have found my left foot tends to face a different way. I was told I'd need a left hip replacement one day and I have suffered Bursitis quite a few times in it. I now understand that with new pisitioning of knee that other parts of leg will be tested.

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