TKR who has IT band hip bursa and si joint issues following replacemen

Posted by chme @chme, Aug 3, 2023

Knee is functioning well. Hampered by tight thigh muscles hip pain and buttock pain. Got a shot in hip bursa hoping will change things. Hindering ability to walk more and get on with recovery.

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I feel for you I had severe thigh pain after first tkr …,. I could not even sit in a car for more than 5 minutes at a time with out pulling over and getting and and standing ..well I was not driving of course lol…I was grateful therapy was only like 10 minutes away …. But I used tense unit helped so much …. But I suffered …. When I went for revision I had no pain difference I was going for mfr , and chiropractic care made all the difference..,, I had some it band tightness but they would work it out ….. so I suggest font mfr who was trained by dr Barnes truly is a life saver… good luck hope you find relief


How long ago was your TKR? Mine was 4 months ago. I’m still having SI joint pain & extreme knee stiffness. I’m having PT for SI joint problems, & think it’s helping somewhat.
However, walking & standing for longer than a few minutes is difficult & painful. Hope your problems improve. (Stretching also helps.)


I am 10 1/2 months out from my TKR. I still get hip pain, IT band and my feet hurt (especially the tops). I also have pain in my lower back. It's on both sides. My PT recently watched me walk and said my left leg needs strengthening due to tight adductors which will help so I used the hip machine and although she is not certified she learned under people who did mfr and she is using it on me and it makes such a difference. Hurts like crap but then you can feel the muscles release and not be so tight. Stretching also helps tremendously and I do it each day at home (I'm trying to be better). I'm hoping that they can get me back to where I need to be as I'm back in PT for now. Not sure how far out you are but I feel as my knee heals and from the one being perfect and the other not quite so perfect it's causing other issues for me.


Thank you. I’m a little past 5 months post TKR. I just finished formal pt but am continuing exercises. I want to be able to walk more than 1.5-2 miles but about then my lower back screams and it band tight. I use a massager on it band. I have found that adjusting the way I walk has helped a bit but hard to remember when you are busy.

I did get a cortisone shot in my right hip bursa which helped but don’t know long term if changes.

It’s comforting to know others are struggling months after surgery. I assumed the surgery would be over do the pt and be back on top.

Thanks for your response and sharing.


How long ago was your TKR? Mine was 4 months ago. I’m still having SI joint pain & extreme knee stiffness. I’m having PT for SI joint problems, & think it’s helping somewhat.
However, walking & standing for longer than a few minutes is difficult & painful. Hope your problems improve. (Stretching also helps.)

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Thanks for your comments. Can I ask what particular stretches are really helpful. I’m continuing pt prescribed which include clam shells hip adductor some for lower back and knee strengthening with band.
I had always heard your knee will recover if you just keep walking. Doesn’t seem to be the answer.
Let’s all keep working. I’ll have to have the other knee done eventually but who wants to give up a year.


I feel for you I had severe thigh pain after first tkr …,. I could not even sit in a car for more than 5 minutes at a time with out pulling over and getting and and standing ..well I was not driving of course lol…I was grateful therapy was only like 10 minutes away …. But I used tense unit helped so much …. But I suffered …. When I went for revision I had no pain difference I was going for mfr , and chiropractic care made all the difference..,, I had some it band tightness but they would work it out ….. so I suggest font mfr who was trained by dr Barnes truly is a life saver… good luck hope you find relief

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Thanks for your comments. So was the second knee easier. Certainly maybe mentally as you know the process. I had never had a surgery so ramp up was full of anxiety. I’m happy I got the right knee done if I can get the muscles around knee and up through hip fully recovered.
May I ask what mfr is?

Thanks and best to you.


Thanks for your comments. Can I ask what particular stretches are really helpful. I’m continuing pt prescribed which include clam shells hip adductor some for lower back and knee strengthening with band.
I had always heard your knee will recover if you just keep walking. Doesn’t seem to be the answer.
Let’s all keep working. I’ll have to have the other knee done eventually but who wants to give up a year.

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I haven’t found any particular exercise that I love, but the “cat & cow” (arching my back, then reversing the arch, seems to help, also bending my knee to 90 while on my back, & moving it to the opposite side. My biggest problem is continuing lightheadedness & exhaustion, which docs can’t figure out. Like you, I definitely need my other knee done, but can’t imagine doing it.


Please let me jump on the bandwagon. I have rehabbed from an ACL/MCL replacement after injury plus 5 hip replacement surgeries. (Plus a half dozen other ortho surgeries.) I remember the pain, the discouragement - nobody told me my back would hurt from knee surgery, or that I would have "pins and needles" all up and down my legs from hip surgery. Or that it would take 6 weeks after hand surgery to even hold my pen!

First, remember you had major surgery - bones, muscles, nerves, tendons - all up and done the leg - have been assaulted. Your body is not happy, and will show you in the variety of ways you all have mentioned, and more.

After every surgery, my best results have come from a lot of hard work - extensive strengthening and stretching. PT can hurt - sometimes a lot. Stretching is no fun, and it hurts too. A good PT (not just one who hands out the prescribed list of exercises and sends you on your way) is your best friend. They can evaluate strength, gait, muscle imbalance, range of motion and scarring then work to create a program for you.

The HARDEST part is that YOU are in control of your recovery. Those home or clinic PT sessions are just meant to get you started. Once the wound heals and the implant is in the right position, the hard work begins. Every day... 2-3 times a day... for at least 3 months... but it can take up to a year.

Hang in there! Keep doing the stretches so you get full motion. Put on a movie or listen to music while you exercise. Reward yourself with a piece of dark chocolate or whatever is your pleasure on any day you mange to do the whole therapy routine.
It will all be worth it in the end.


Thanks for your comments. So was the second knee easier. Certainly maybe mentally as you know the process. I had never had a surgery so ramp up was full of anxiety. I’m happy I got the right knee done if I can get the muscles around knee and up through hip fully recovered.
May I ask what mfr is?

Thanks and best to you.

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Second one was revision on first knee I had done unfortunately…. But it was amazing second time around ..,I did not have that severe pain that I had with the first …. A few reasons I have the right size this time and like I said I started mfr 5-6 months into first tkr looking for relief..,,,so I was doing these things from right out of my revision …. To answer your question it was awful to go into this surgery I knew how much pain I was in for ….But I was pleasantly surprised when it did not come ….. mfr is myofascial release therapy…. I be learned about it on this site safes me …. You can read a little about it and find therapist in your area …. It gets better….


I'd like to also add that if I wear my supportive gym shoes which I"m told I should eventually my feet hurt, the top of my feet hurt and sometimes they even tingle. I feel better wearing non supportive shoes but told I need to be wearing the support. Day after my PT my IT bands hurt, lower back hurts and knee even hurts and it's been 10 1;2 months. Any thoughts on the feet bothering me? Surgeon just wants to send me to another Dr. for the feet, back and hip as he's done his part and x-rays look fine.

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