TKR peroneal nerve pain

Posted by cov13 @cov13, Sep 7, 2023

I am 2 months post-op and am having sharp shooting pain that starts in my fibula head shooting down my leg next to my shin and into the top of my foot. PT says it is my peroneal nerve and that it is common after TKR. He also says it could last up to 18 months. I do all my exercises twice a day even on PT days, but beyond that I don't want to move because of the pain. I can handle muscle pain from exercising and tendon/ligament pain from stretching, but not this sharp pain. Any suggestions to get through this?

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I am over two years out from my tkr. I permanently have numbness on the inside of my calf and have had constant pain on the lateral side of knee since surgery. Does not go down the leg. Seen five doctors trying to figure this out. Latest is an IT band issue which could be “fixed” with arthroscopy but the diagnostic with lidocaine hasn’t been scheduled yet. It takes months to see anyone and all have different opinions. One doctor said to have a revision which I won’t consider at this time. I will ask the new doctor about this nerve and if it could be the problem. Meanwhile I tape my knee, lidocaine patches or use bio freeze. You may have different pains for the first year but they should settle down. One day at a time!


I am over two years out from my tkr. I permanently have numbness on the inside of my calf and have had constant pain on the lateral side of knee since surgery. Does not go down the leg. Seen five doctors trying to figure this out. Latest is an IT band issue which could be “fixed” with arthroscopy but the diagnostic with lidocaine hasn’t been scheduled yet. It takes months to see anyone and all have different opinions. One doctor said to have a revision which I won’t consider at this time. I will ask the new doctor about this nerve and if it could be the problem. Meanwhile I tape my knee, lidocaine patches or use bio freeze. You may have different pains for the first year but they should settle down. One day at a time!

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My knee clicks and pops right at the fibula head. I can put my finger on the spot. Every step I take I get the sharp pain there followed by shooting pain down my leg next to my shin. I see my surgeon next week to discuss it.


I'd like to invite @rennie, @ruthannejoan and @trishh who have all also discussed peroneal nerve issues after a joint replacement. It is my understanding that nerves take much longer to heal than muscle and other tissues. Was any advice given on how to handle the pain and rehab in the short-term while you wait for the nerve to heal?


I'd like to invite @rennie, @ruthannejoan and @trishh who have all also discussed peroneal nerve issues after a joint replacement. It is my understanding that nerves take much longer to heal than muscle and other tissues. Was any advice given on how to handle the pain and rehab in the short-term while you wait for the nerve to heal?

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Hi @JustinMclanahan,
I am sorry you have nerve pain after surgery. My problem with
personal nerve pain began in late 1990s and was misdiagnosed we think. As I
was tested for Lyme disease and co-infections in 1999. I was positive for
all. EMG and NCTs have shown the peroneal nerve damage.
Regarding my surgery, I have numbness around the hip incision.
But my problems seem to have progressed in feet to both knees now from
Bartonella a Lyme disease co-infection.
I hope your nerves grow back. Mine are dying due to the infection or the
Good luck,


I'd like to invite @rennie, @ruthannejoan and @trishh who have all also discussed peroneal nerve issues after a joint replacement. It is my understanding that nerves take much longer to heal than muscle and other tissues. Was any advice given on how to handle the pain and rehab in the short-term while you wait for the nerve to heal?

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I saw my surgeon today and he doesn't know what's going on. Lol. His thoughts were: preexisting condition, IT band that can be released by surgery, scar tissue snagging on fibia that can be removed surgically, peronial nerve pain due to inflammation that will heal in time. He offered a steroid shot that could potentially cause an infection or medication. I opted for the medication and time. He also suggested concentrating on stretching exercises and not strengthening exercises.

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